
Living In Our Christ Identity

Living In Our Christ Identity

I have a question for you and for me as well this morning. Are you sure of your identity? In other words, who are you? What defines you? Too often many people base their identities on what they do. They base it upon their jobs or their roles in relationships, their roles in society. All these different outside and various factors people use to determine, or even try to find an identity.

To Change or Not to Change?

To Change or Not to Change?

We live in a world where I would say most people are not content with the status of the world today. There are wars and hatred and injustice and unfairness and probably every single one of us has thought, to some degree or another, that they would like the world to change. They would like it to be a better place.

God is the Perfect Parents

God is the Perfect Parents

All that love that is built into moms and dads, it comes straight from God. Pure parental love is such a beautiful picture of our relationship with our father, God, his love for us because we are his children. Over and over in scripture, we are called the children of God.

There's More Than Meets the Eye, Resurrection Part 2

There's More Than Meets the Eye, Resurrection Part 2

Sometimes people think that these miracles are nothing but another good episode for the X-Files or something like that. But in reality, it is much more than just a miracle and it's much more than just something that would make for a good sci-fi story. It actually means everything to you and me. It means everything to the gospel message. It means everything to your future and my future.

Routine or Relationship

Routine or Relationship

I'm thankful for the routines that I have implemented in my life. We do pauses on a regular basis. I take moments throughout the day to just stop and try to connect with God. I'm thankful for the routines of regularly scheduled church services and times together, Bible studies that we can do all the different things that we kind of schedule in a sense, I'm thankful for routines. These things actually enhance my relationship with God, but I could show up and my heart could be far from here. If that happens, then that tradition and that routine becomes something that actually undermines my relationship with God. Over time, intentional thoughtfulness can be lost because of routines.

Easter Sunday 2022

Easter Sunday 2022

I'm so glad and excited to share today, Easter, because I felt I've given a lot of Easter messages in the past and I love to tell the story of the resurrection and there is so much to say about it. I thought, well, why would you be the hog of it all? I'm going to ask Pastor Jeff start today and then Pastor Robert will share some of his thoughts. And then I'm going to wrap things up about some of the historicity of the resurrection.

The Other Part of Palm Sunday

The Other Part of Palm Sunday

I want to talk about the other part of Palm Sunday because when we focus only on the entrance of Jesus into the city, we can actually lose sight of what he actually came there to do. He didn't just decide to ride into Jerusalem on the back of a donkey. It really was the cult of a donkey. And then after he got there, he thought, well, now that I'm here, I better do something. He had a purpose in coming to Jerusalem that day.

It's Not the Cup...It's What's Inside

It's Not the Cup...It's What's Inside

Religious people have a tendency to focus on the cup and they lose sight of the content. Sometimes, we even find ourselves arguing about who has the best cup, don't we? We forget to actually drink what's supposed to be inside the cup because we are arguing over who has the best cup.

Is the Cart Before the Horse?

Is the Cart Before the Horse?

Is the cart before the horse in your life? We don't have any record of Jesus using any form of the word religion, yet the word religion is used a lot in our culture today, around the world. And yet we have no record of Jesus ever using any form of the word religion. He uses a different word to denote an intimate, heartfelt connection with God. That word that Jesus used to denote a connection with God is the word faith. Faith is a relational word. Inherent in the word faith is this concept of trust. When you have faith in somebody, you have trust in somebody.

Storybook Realities

Storybook Realities

When you think of the life of Jesus and the person of Jesus, so much of what he did, he did in storytelling. Many of us have read many books through the years. A book, of course, is written in words, but the words are really, believe it or not, the important thing in the book.

The Father Loved Both Sons Equally

The Father Loved Both Sons Equally

There are so many analogies and metaphors that we can come up with concerning our own personal lives, our lives in the church, our lives with the walk of the Lord. I like to think of those that have been on their walk with the Lord for a long time, or so-called been in the church for a long time as an older brother. How many times have the older brothers in the church not rejoiced at someone who has been wayward. Now you follow where I'm going?

Here's Mud in Your Eye

Here's Mud in Your Eye

Have you ever heard the expression, usually it's given as a toast, here's to what, mud in your eye? Here is to mud your eye. Some people think that that expression came out of World War I, where there were a lot of soldiers in trenches and they got very muddy and they were toasting each other because they would have a tendency to drink a lot in those times. There's a whole other camp that believes that expression. Here is to mud in your eye comes from a whole different place. It comes from the story we are going to read today in John chapter nine, where Jesus healed a blind man by putting mud on his eyes.

The Map or the Treasure

The Map or the Treasure

Thank you, Lord. God is transforming our hearts for what he is doing. And the oldness of our hearts had to be surgically removed by him for what he is because as we are going to God's transplant table, the old has to be rooted out. We need to all just ask the Lord, what do you want to take out of me to make me more ready for what you have for me in the future?

The Sacredness of Life

The Sacredness of Life

This scripture by the mouth of Jesus says that in heaven, every child has an angel. That's in the word of God. These are not fairy tales. This is the word of God. We can attribute value by what Jesus says, and he says, there is an angel that's assigned to every child. So we need to understand the value of a child.

The Ministry of Healing, Part 2: True Scriptures and Hard Questions

The Ministry of Healing, Part 2: True Scriptures and Hard Questions

Everything that Jesus did, we are going to see, was intended to bring health, wholeness, and wellbeing to us. That is what redemption is for on this earth. We don't have to wait for heaven for that. Jesus brought his kingdom here so that we could experience the benefits of his kingdom here and now in this life.

Clean the Inside of the Cup

Clean the Inside of the Cup

I love the Lord and all of the things that he teaches us in his word. It's something that doesn't get old. As we try to get closer to the Lord, we can read the Bible from Genesis to Revelation a thousand times. I guarantee if you read it with the intent of learning and hearing that you will learn something new and different and deeper each time that you do.

The Ministry of Healing, Part 1: Hearing God's Voice

The Ministry of Healing, Part 1: Hearing God's Voice

Part one, ministry part one, today, we are going to talk about hearing God's voice. You might say, what does hearing God's voice have to do with healing? Actually everything, because the ministry of healing is a ministry of partnership. There are three people involved in the ministry of healing or more, but three specific components. There's you as the prayer, the person who's praying for healing, there is the person you are praying for, they are a partner in that process and there is the holy spirit.

You Were Made to Last Forever

You Were Made to Last Forever

Design always necessitates a designer. I really struggle with time plus chance, time plus chance plus matter equals what we have in our universe today. There is way too much design in our universe. There is way too much order in our universe today for it not to have come about by a designer, a creator. When God created us, his intentions were to make something that would reflect his image. That's why he said I’ve made man in my own image. But that image has many different aspects to it, one of which is his immortality. God is immortal.

Trusting in God's Program and Timing

Trusting in God's Program and Timing

We've been talking about faith and faith, we said from the beginning is not just something out there in the ether. I don't believe in this business about blind faith, that there has to be an object of faith. As of Christ, we know that object is Jesus Christ. Most notably, we are able to express our faith because of who our God is. And so that's why we entitled this series, faith, trusting in God.

Life is a Temporary Assignment

Life is a Temporary Assignment

Jacque: For we were born but yesterday and no nothing. Our days on earth are as fleeting as a shadow.

Brian: So even if we lived to be a hundred years in eternity, that a hundred years is just like yesterday and our days on earth are as fleeting as a shadow. I don't know if you've ever been outside and you've seen an airplane fly kind of through the sun and the shadow passes by on the ground, but it doesn't stay there very long.