
Song of Songs, Part 4

Song of Songs, Part 4

So now we've moved from, it's all about me and it's all about me to it's all about me and it's all about him. You see how that works? And then at the end of the song in chapter seven, she says I belong to my beloved and his desire is for me, focus on him, focus on him. This is the migration. This is what happens as we begin to truly understand how much he loves us. It goes from, well, he is taking care of me to I'm serving him to he loves me. This is a wonderful migration to experience in our personal lives. This is… Again, this is not doctrinal. This is real. This is experiential. This is the journey that our Lord wants to take us on; to take us from a place of understanding he is savior to a place where we understand he is Lord to a place where we understand he is our lover.

Song of Songs, Part 3

Song of Songs, Part 3

Brian: Arise, come my come my darling, my beautiful one. Come with me. My dove in the clefts of the rock in the hiding places on the mountain side, show me your face. Let me hear your voice for your voice is sweet and your face is lovely.

Jeff: So he is calling the one that he loves to go with him to a hidden place, the cleft of the rock, the secret place. Isn't that where young lovers like to go, someplace where they can be alone? Remember those days?

Brian: Am I supposed to say yes to that?

Jeff: Of course you are, just someplace where...

Brian: Is that when the lights on the porch kept flickering?

Jeff: Yes. That's exactly right. You did that too, huh?