There's Strength in Humility

Pastor Robert and TaQuaris Smith

Robert: Praise the Lord. What a strange title: strength and humility. Strength and humility. What really is humility? There are many definitions, but we are just going to take common definition here for a minute. Humility can be viewed as the opposite of pride, arrogance, and an inflated sense of our importance and talents. It is based on a fundamentally caring and compassionate attitude toward others. That's humility. When we are talking about a strength in humility, the world doesn't understand it. The world doesn't equate humility with strength. But just because the world doesn't see strength in humility, let's not think that humility is a weakness either. The world views humility as a weakness, and that's because the world's culture is full of pride. to be blunt about it.

It believes in self honor. It believes in fame. It believes in being puffed up. It believes in being independent. It, it believes in being hardy. It believes in being arrogant. It believes in self-worth. It believes in the human spirit that can do all things at all cost, especially at the cost of others. It's not selfless. It's selfish, everything that humility is not. But instead of taking this attitude, believers need to practice humility. We are going to take a journey. I'm going to have a conversation this morning. We are going to see first what does the Bible have to say about humility? And then, at the end, we are going to actually see what some of the world is starting to see say about humility, because I don't care what, how much the world puts up a front and resist. It can't stand up to the power of Jesus.

And so there is a reckoning that has to happen, not if it will happen there. The world systems have to bow down to Jesus. It's inevitable. And that's why it's important for us, the church, to continue and intentionally mirror the image of Jesus wherever we go. I don't know how many sermons I've ever heard on humility. Let me see. Zero. It's not often talked about in the church. Thank God for Hope Community. I hope you cherish who we are. We are different in a lot of ways. Not perfect, but different in the sense that there is a genuineness in striving to be more like Jesus. Don't take that for granted, because I've been around this Christendom for a little while now, and a lot of people have gotten away from, as pastor Jeff and Cheryl have put it, the Jesus way. Thank God for the Jesus way. It's the only way.

We look at the Bible and what it has to say about humility, and it actually has a lot to say if you sit down and do an intentional study. We are going to start out in one Peter chapter 5, verse 5. I'll tell you the context of this scripture in a minute, but I just took a, a portion of it. I would like TaQuaris to read that portion in one Peter 5:5.

TaQuaris: Be clothed with humility for God. Resist the proud, but give grace to the humble.

Robert: It's a lot to unpack in that one verse, one part. It says, be clothed with humility for God resist the proud, but gives grace to the humble. In this chapter, it's dealing with the relationship between elders, meaning older people and young people. There can often be a clash between the old and the young, right? Oftentimes the old has this air about them. I'm old, so I'm automatically the right one. Y'all can nod. We've been in that situations, whether it's with our children, with other people. And younger people can have the attitude. Well, you know, you are old and done and you know, I know better, right? And so this chapter, at the beginning of it, is dealing with this relationship between the old and the young to say, no, there is going to be mutual respect. And all of you need to be humble towards one another.

TaQuaris: It also talks about like being submissive as well. And so humility and submission go hand in hand. God's words tell us as Christians that we are to submit to one another and loneliness of mind. So by being submissive and clothing ourselves with humility, we can create peace and unity with others. We are not to be so proud and high up that we cannot accept correction or exhortation. Neither should we have the mindset that our opinions and ideas are greater or more important than others, or we know it all.

Robert: Yeah. If we look at this, the humility accordance to the Bible, the world will categorize on the subject of humility, nine times out of 10, they want to put the category of leadership as if leaders are the only ones called to be humble. No, we are all called to be humble in our relationships with one another. In this message, we are going to talk about leadership. It's an important topic of leadership, but neither one of us are exempt in this subject. I don't want you to go away and start thinking and pointing a finger like, yeah, this leader, this leader, this leader. No, it's not just about leaders; it's for everyone. Even in this distinction, in this passage of the elder and the young, Peter comes again to say, all of you need to be humble towards one another. This is a everybody message, not just one group. But the Bible goes on to say in James four 10, about humility.

TaQuaris: Humble yourselves before the Lord and he will live you up in honor.

Robert: This is directly opposite of how the world thinks. This scripture tells us, it says humble yourself before the Lord. And it says He will lift you up. The world says that we do all of the striving, we do all of the work to prop ourselves up. But the scripture tells us that's not the way to go in being lifted up before you can be lifted up, there has to be a submission, as my wife said. There has to be a humbling, there has to be a loneliness of mine, a coming underneath. Submission means to come under, to come under. It's a posture of coming under, that you are not propping yourself up.

The greatest strength in America is to be independent according to patriotic thinking about America. Our independence makes us strong. But we need to understand that rather than our strength lying in our independence, but rather in our dependence on God's power. Humility says that we are not on our own, but we submit unto something or someone. In this context, we submit unto the Lord. And so we are looking to the Lord. As we take the posture of coming under the Lord, then he will do the lifting up. Even with that, when God lifts you up, it's important for us to understand that God lifts you up in his timing, but humility says that maybe it's not the time for me to be lifted up. But humility says that there is a later time as the Lord sees fit. Pride tells us we need to be lifted up right now. Humility says, no, I have to wait until when the Lord says my timing is to be lifted up.

TaQuaris: So again, the word humble means to make low, to bring low. And so we make ourselves low when we see the majesty of God. A humble person lives their life knowing that God is watching everything that they do. So it's like they are living their lives in the eye of God. Humility always relates to the almighty majesty of God. And so this is the humility that's in the eye of God and not man.

Robert; Because if we really think about, I mean, we know this from, you know, our early days in Sunday school that God watches us. God sees everything, but somehow, Pastor Jeff, we are better when we are children. Our faith is better, then we get older and then we mess things up, and then we have spiritual amnesia, and we forget that God sees everything. Amen. Cause if we didn't forget that God sees everything, then we wouldn't waste, a ll as Linda said, do the dumb things that we do.

TaQuaris: Or if we did the dumb things that we did, we'll be quick to repent because we know that he's watching us and he knows we are not perfect. So humility allows us to repent as well quickly.

Robert: But our pride gets in the way. Our pride is an amnesia pill that we swallow every time we think that there is no consequence, there is no oversight into our ungodly behavior. Because if we really, as TaQuaris says, submit ourselves or think about or ponder the majesty of God, that would be a great buffering in our actions. That's why I always tell people, our greatest enemy is not the devil. Our greatest enemy is ourselves, and specifically our pride and our dependence on this flesh. I counsel people all the time, do not put your trust in your own flesh. It will betray you every time.

We are nothing robed in our flesh without the spirit of God. We are nothing. We are capable of nothing. We are definitely not capable of doing good. I don't care what philosophers say. We need God. We need Jesus. We need Holy Spirit to guide us and to direct us and give us strength and confidence and conviction so that we can win the battle in this struggle in our flesh, especially pride. Pride is the agent of Satan's downfall. Pride is what got Adam and Eve into trouble because the father of pride seduced them.

In their flesh. And so pride caused them to be banished out of the garden and out of fellowship with God. What do you think pride does with us today? And so humble yourself. It's interesting, all of these exhortation to humble is not a suggestion in the Bible. It says be, do. It's a command. It's a strong command to do these things or else we are going to fall. It's an interesting scripture. When we were working on this sermon, it didn't dawn on me to have that scripture, but it makes sense because like I said, the Bible has a lot to talk about when it comes to humility. But here again, is a command that comes by way of a suggestion by God. Because there is a consequence of us walking in humility. It's a different emphasis because this particular verse has been quoted all over the world in the past 10 to 12 years on something entirely totally different. But we are going to use it for our context today, 2 Chronicles 7:14.

TaQuaris: Then if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land.

Robert: You see, this verse isn't about what people can do, but it's about what God can do for his people when his people humble themselves and let him take the lead. Our job is acknowledging and seeking and asking and turning our hearts towards him once again. All of those things are humble movements. To seek help means to acknowledge that you need help. Pride doesn't allow you to seek help. It says, "I can do it on my own. I can figure it out." Humility says, "I need to acknowledge something outside of myself."

TaQuaris: Humility also allows you to trust God even more so, because in Proverbs, the Bible says, trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not until your own understanding, and in all of your ways, acknowledge him. You know? So to be able to acknowledge him, to be able to trust him, and not lean on your own understanding, you have to humble yourself. Because sometimes we think we have it and we don't. And sometimes we think we know things that we don't. Honestly, even if you do know something, humility says, God, check my heart, is this right? Even if you feel like it's right, humility allows you to go before the Father and check yourself.

Robert: The Bible teaches us that as we acknowledge our need for God's help and accept the fact, here it is again, humility. Accepting something that we are not, or accepting that we need help is an act of humility. And that we cannot save ourselves. We cannot deliver ourselves. We learn humility by entrusting ourselves to God's care and to God's protection. Notice these steps in humility. There has to be an acknowledgement. I need help, and an acceptance. I cannot do this on my own.

I need help, so I'm accepting the fact, not only am I acknowledging it, but I'm accepting the fact that I need to ask, I need to seek, I need to entrust my care, my wellbeing into the Father and to God. I need to do that. I need to entrust him. Not saying that--- what is the religious thing people say all the time? And I'm not trying to make fun of people. It is kind of been said in an arrogant way. You know, how you doing today, sister? I'm blessed and highly favored. Okay. But it is not in the spirit of humility. A lot of times it's, it comes off as arrogant, like, how dare I not be okay? What are you talking about? I'm blessed and highly favored. Oh really? What does that look like to you? What about when things are not going well? Does that change your testimony?

TaQuaris: Does humility allow you to be transparent?

Robert: If that's one of your sayings, pastor Robert is not rebuking you. What I'm pointing out is from my experience, a lot of times, those religious things that we've been taught. We've been taught that we as Christians are invincible. I'm here to tell you that we are not, if you've never been told that anywhere in church before, I'm telling you today on November 20th, that we are not invincible. Things happen. Things happen to us that we don't like. But guess what? Thank God that we have God that can see us through, and when it's not happening for me, that I can submit myself, humble myself before God and say, God, whether God or God, it's not working for me. I need you.

When I go home today, I have pray to God because I have to deal with something with my children today that I'd rather not. It's very humbling for me to have to bring correction and to do something that I didn't think I would have to do. Now, in my present state of mind, I am baffled, but God has wisdom and he'll lead me in what I need to do. And he'll make restoration in the situation, not me, because I have no clue. But God does amen. I need him to be a good husband. I need him to be a good father. I need him to be a good pastor. I need him to be a good man. I need him to be a good brother, a good uncle, a good grandfather, and whatever other capacities I have. I need the wisdom of God. I need the conviction of the Holy Spirit. I need the guidance of the Holy Spirit. I need the love of Christ to be in me at all times in order for me to go in the way that I should go.

Because one of the things that pride does, that humility does not pride says that I only look out for myself or I work to protect myself. But humility says that I have to look out for others even before me sometimes. What does humility look like? Let's get a little bit more concrete. What does it look like? Philippians 2:1-5.

TaQuaris: Is there any encouragement from belonging to Christ, any comfort from his love? Any fellowship together in the Spirit are your hearts tender and compassionate? Then make me truly happy by agreeing wholeheartedly with each other, loving one another and working together with one mind and purpose. Don't be selfish. Don't try to impress others. Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourselves. Don't look out only for your own interests, but take an interest in others too. You must have the same attitude that Christ Jesus had.

Robert: Before I break down this verse, this last one leads into a section where it says, you must have the same attitude that Christ Jesus had. It's going into this one of the most beautiful poetic sections of the Bible that talks about the humility of Jesus and how it shows that-- this is Robert's 2002 translation. It's saying that Jesus is Jesus. And he didn't use the fact that he was Jesus to not go to the cross. He could have said, "I'm God; I am that I am." But he didn't think it was beneath him to come robed in the flesh, to be mocked, to be spat upon, to be ridiculed, to be stripped of his clothing, to be beat, to be maimed and to die a humiliating death on the cross as a criminal. Do you and I know that He as God did not have to do any of that? But yet we as human beings, we got a whole list of I wouldn't do that, really.

I used to tell people the last few years, they say, "Well, I can't forgive that person for this. What do you say, pastor? And I'm having a hard time for forgiveness." I said, "I won't tell you anything. I got an assignment for you." And they said, "What's that?" I said, "Go watch The Passion of the Christ." After you watch the passion of the Christ, Mel Gibson's version, after you watch that, then come to me and talk to me if you can forgive somebody or not.

I tell anybody, if you got hard time forgiving somebody, then you go and meditate on the passion, not necessarily the movie, but the passion. Meaning, what did Jesus Christ do the last week of his time on Earth? What did he do for you and I and everybody in in the world? What did he do? And tell me if you've got enough reason and justification not to forgive. That's my translation of the verses after that.

But in these verses in one through five in Philippians, it spells out exactly what humility looks like in our relationship. It starts for very important and intentional thing: love one another. What have we been saying as the pastors in this church about loving one another? We'll keep preaching about it till it gets home. We have to love one another. And what does that love look like? Well, it looks like the 10 commandments that you got posted on your fireplace. That's what love looks like. Because if you love your neighbor, you are not going to steal from them. You are not going to harm them. You are not going to covet their possessions. You are not going to lie to them, be deceitful. If you love them. This is what love looks like. So it starts with love one another, work together with one mind, one purpose, not your own agenda.

We don't come to each other with our own agenda. We have to be working together with one mind and purpose. We all are diverse. We all have different ideas. That's fine. Bring all ideas to see how it fits in the one purpose. not trying to hijack the purpose because you have a better idea so that you say you have a better idea. Who's the judge of whether your idea is better or not. Prefer someone else. Don't be selfish. The Bible said, don't be selfish. Don't try to impress others. We as the body of Christ are family of God, should not be in competition, trying to impress one another.

I remember being a pastor, in different capacities, you have people all the time come up to you with all of their credentials. We can have these credentials on paper. We can have all these accolades and have all this. I don't care about any of that. I want to know, do you love people? How are you with people? How are you with people that are different from you? How are you with people that you not necessarily like, or don't like what they wear or don't like what they look like, talk, like, sound like, where they come from? How do you deal with people? That's the biggest thing you can have on your resume for me: how do you get along with people and whatever capacity it is. Because people come puffed up with all these things, you know, what they've done and what they, who's, who cares? What good is all the accolades, if you don't have a great reputation in the community that when your name comes up, you, you name comes up with harming people.

But I've done 3000 crusades in India. Okay, great. What does your neighbor say about you? I'm just being real. I had an experience one time, not going to say any names, but a very disappointing experience. One time, it was a great lack of a better, worship leader that came, sang at the church, known worldwide for their great worship songs. I got in close proximity, even rode on the elevator with them. And I tell you, they had the worst foulest attitude that I ever came across in my life. I'm not exaggerating. And I'm like, how are you that way, this way here on a keyboard or piano, lifting up holy hands unto the Lord, but have a stinky attitude in the elevator, and this arrogant personality. I couldn't reconcile that.

We have to have genuine-- we can't say we love the father and then treat people differently. That's the scripture, by the way, it's not my opinion. I'm not giving you opinion. I'm just giving you what the word says. You can't say you love the father and hate your neighbor. The Bible says that's not it. We have to be in a place my prayer for the entire body of Christ, but my immediate prayer is for us at Hope to really-- I mean, I think we are great now, but I think we can be greater. So I'm asking you to do what you are doing now, but do it better to be intentional about finding, going deep, finding where we can improve in our relationship with one another. I think we have room to grow.

I said I love this place. I, every visitor that I've talked to loves this place. We have a warm atmosphere. That's great. Keep it up. I've received it from day one since I've been here. But I think we can go a little bit deeper and more, and I think we can extend it more even beyond these walls out into our community. Because they need what we have. They need to be invited, they need to experience the, the genuine love of a Christian community. I mean, the world needs it, but Corcoran and its entire surrounding areas need it too, and we can start there. We have to have a genuine model within us and be a tight group where we can model this. It's possible.

The apostle, especially Apostle Paul is written about churches where that they were known for their love for one another. How awesome would it be for that church in Corcoran? Man, that's a loving group. They really know how to love on you. Wouldn't you like that to be said of us? The only way we can do that is through the spirit of humility. We have to tear down and fight any pride that wants to rear up selfishness, whatever strife. Strife can get in. Strife is sneaky. Strife is deceptive because it comes from the devil. We have to be cognizant when we have something that's going on like this--

You don't hear me talk about the devil a lot. And guess what? I won't because God is greater. I don't need to glorify the devil. But I am not ignorant of his devices. I am not ignorant of his agenda. I'm not ignorant of his schemes. And we have to be wise and we have to be opened up and listen to what's going on and watch what's going on and understand that there, the powers that be will want to tear up what we got going here. And all we gotta do is not come in agreement with it and continue to humble ourselves and to love one another and to lift one another up. Amen. There are fruits to humility. There is the fruit of humility. Proverbs 11:2 says this.

TaQuaris: Pride leads to disgrace. But with humility comes wisdom.

Robert: Wisdom comes from humility. You know why? Because again, humility, submission is a posture. And so humility is that posture that acknowledges our dependence on God and opens us up to the sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit. And so what that does is humility, then prepares your heart to receive God's wisdom. Like I told you, this situation with me and my family and the kid, the children, I have to submit myself to God to say, hey, I need wisdom in this situation. And so I can say, well, this is my child. I do what I want to do and I'm going to take care of it. But why am I taking care of it? I'm going to take care of it because my pride is bruised? Or am I going to take care of it because I want the behavior to change and I need wisdom in that. As I humble myself, I'm going to prepare my heart to receive God's wisdom. That's a fruit of humility. Psalm 25:9.

TaQuaris: He guides the humble in what is right and teaches them his way. Humility allows God to do his work of grace in us. Biblical humility is grounded in the word of God.

Robert: So again, it's an allowance to be guided by God. Humility opens that door to be able to receive instruction, to receive in wisdom. It allows the grace of God to be there with us so that we can take off the blinders of pride, the blinders of self-direction, and allow ourselves to be under the direction of God in the Holy Spirit. And that's a big benefit of humility. Proverbs 22:4 says something interesting too.

TaQuaris: True humility and fear of the Lord leads to richest honor and long life.

Robert: You don't hear the world saying that, right? You think you will hear the world saying, humility leads to richest honor and long life. No, they say that the exact opposite. But here is the scriptures in the book of wisdom says true humility. And what? The fear of the Lord, which goes hand in hand. It's the reverential fear. It's not dreading God. But again, adorning that majesty of God, recognizing who he is, and who he is to you. Couple that with true humility coming underneath that, God's going to prosper you, and God's going to lead you into the way of prosperity. Not the prosperity that we've been taught, but true godly prosperity that goes beyond just money.

We said in the beginning that there is strength in humility. There has been a lot of talk about humility and the circles of leadership lately. We look at research; research findings on the benefits of the strength of humility. Found that humility is linked with good self-esteem and a positive self-view. It says that humble people are likely to demonstrate higher levels of gratitude, forgiveness, spirituality, and general health. That's not the Bible. This is what the world says. There is research on humility. And then it says these things which I thought were great. It's kind some comparisons to the opposite of humility.

It says, humility learns; arrogance knows. Humility learns; arrogance knows. It says humble leaders submit to noble values. They won't bend. Arrogant leaders bend rules to their advantage. Humility listens. Arrogance talks. Humble leaders serve others. Arrogant leaders serve themselves. I like this one a lot. Humble leaders are free to build up others. Arrogant leaders build up themselves. But I like the way it says it's free. Humble leaders are free to build up others because there is bondage in pride. Pride holds you in bondage. So building up others when you are in pride, it's a threat to you.

But humility frees you up because you are not in competition, you are not trying to impress anybody, you are not trying to outdo anybody. You are looking for the mutual benefit for everybody. But when you are arrogant and prideful, you are puffed up. All those things are a threat to you. And so you are not free to build up anybody else. Humility opens hearts; arrogance builds walls. Humility joins; arrogance stands aloof. Now I was looked at why did they have stands aloof instead of standing alone. Aloof is an intentional separation to be distant from someone or something. Humble leaders connect; arrogant leaders disconnect.

CS Lewis said this: humility is not thinking less of yourself but thinking of yourself less. So humility is not about you thinking that you are, you are worthless. It just tempers of how much you think of yourself because you are thinking of others. You are thinking of others. I want to leave you with this. Humility is a grace that attracts more grace. Pride closes the door to spiritual growth, but humility opens the door of your life to more of God's grace. To the humble, God gives patience and peace and gentleness. The fruit of the spirit grows in the soil of humility because humility is the key to our spiritual growth.

There is great strength in humility because it opens us up to more of God and it allows us to manifest the fruit of the spirit. And that's power over. That's the one thing we need in this battle of our flesh. So humility is a great strength and it's something that we need to practice and follow the way of Jesus because he's a great example of what humility looks like. Thank you, Lord.

Brian: Wow. Thank you, Pastor Robert. As he was speaking, my mind reflected back on the prayer of St. Francis of Assisi. And if you probably have heard it, a part of that prayer goes something like this: Oh, divine Master grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console or Oh, divine master grant that I may not so much seek to be understood as to understand. I mean that's really reflecting humility, isn't it? Oh, divine master, grant that I may not so much seek to be loved as to love. And so we see again, the great expression of Jesus, I think really came out of a heart of humility. He humbled himself. Before we ever recognized that humility, he had already expressed that humility by saying, ‘Father, I will go. I will leave heaven. I will do what your plan is. I will become a human being with all of the suffering that goes along with humanity. I will submit to that.” That's humility.

And so one of the greatest ways we can truly reflect being a follower of Jesus is to truly walk in humility one to another. It's one thing to humble ourselves before the mighty hand of God and we should all do that. But it's another thing to humble ourselves to each other, which we also should do. Humble ourselves one to another and therefore reflect the love and nature of Jesus Christ. So Father, we do ask that as we let this, the truth of this message settle into our hearts, that we would truly let it come from our hearts, that we wouldn't just try to once in a while, choose to be humble, but that we would truly reflect the humility of Christ in our hearts. Change us, transform us into your image, and into to the wonderful power and strength of humility.

It's much better, father, that we choose the road of humility than be forced into being humiliated. So help us, Lord, to see that wonderful high road of humility and to know that there is strength and power and more importantly, your presence that comes with that. We pray these things, Jesus, in your name for your sake.

I'll be serving communion after the service for those of you who like to have communion. We'll also have prayer for people at the altar to pray with you after the service today. Thank you for those of you who have joined us online today. We are so grateful for you being a part of our faith community. We pray that you all have a wonderful thanksgiving this week. We look forward to being with our family and I'm sure you look forward to being with yours. Let's stand together and let me bless you.

Thank you again, Pastor Robert. It was great. God bless you, TaQuaris.

Let's raise our hands together.

Now may the Lord bless you and may the Lord keep you. May the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you. And may the Lord turn his face towards you and give you his peace. And may you walk in the humility of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. This we pray in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. God bless you. Have a wonderful, wonderful day and you are all welcome to stay and deck the halls. God bless you.

Transcript taken from the Sunday morning service 11-20-22. If you would like to watch the full service, click the link below.