Post Covid Hope

Pastor Brian and Jacque Lother

Brian: How is everybody doing? Thumbs up. Good. Thumbs up. Good, good. There is another chair here today, and not only do I expect Jesus to show up, but Pastor Jeff is going to be joining us in a few moments. I just wanted him to be a part of our message this morning. I want to talk about post COVID hope.

Jacque: That's good.

Brian: Post COVID hope. Now, that's a little bit of a play on words because we all need hope. Do we not? And that's a little bit of a play on words because we all need hope here, but there is also— You would have to be in a cave somewhere to not know that the last 18 months have had an impact on all of our lives in some way, shape or form or another. When COVID hit around 18 months ago, I tried to look at this as an opportunity for, in a sense, an extended Sabbath because we couldn't do the things that we were doing prior to that. We were more isolated. We were more quarantined. I tried to take advantage of this last 18 months in slowing our pace down and to really come to know Jesus in a deeper way. I'm thankful that I've just felt God's presence so greatly in the last 18 months.

There has also been some hardships, some difficult things that we've all had to endure on many levels, and our church is no different. There is a new normal that awaits all of us in this post pandemic that we are in or moving towards a post pandemic. The question that we need to ask ourselves is, what does that mean for all of us? What does that mean for Hope Community? What does that mean for you as an individual? Frankly, Hope Community Church looks a fair amount different than it did 18 months ago. It looks different. 

COVID changed how many people want to do church. It just did. That has had an impact on our church. There were others who, I'll just be candid with you, didn't like our response and following the protocols that were set down before us. They didn't like it so much that they didn't want to be a part of hope anymore, and they are not part of us. Some other families have moved during this time. Some families have been moving to states that have less guidelines and less restrictions. Welcome Jeff has he comes. Thank you. And then of course, Catalin and Kelly are starting influence church and that has had an impact on what Hope Community Church looks like as well. You can't have someone who has been on staff like Kelly was for 23 years and Catalin for 16 or 17 and them no longer be with us and not make the church look differently.

We are looking at a lot of different things that Hope Community Church is looking differently. All of these things and more have contributed to Hope Community Church looking different today than it did 18 months ago. And there were more things. One of the things that Hope looks differently now over, and we got a little taste of it with our period of time this morning, because I got an email from a person in Calgary, Alberta who watches us every week online. 18 months ago, they didn't do that. These people are now in a sense part of our faith community here, they watch every week. This little boy that we have been praying for, we are part of hopefully bringing a miracle to this family. 

Hope Community Church is now like a two rail church. If you think of a railroad track, there are two rails on a railroad track. One rail is obviously people who are here in person and all the things that we are able to do in person, but in the last 18 months, I'm so grateful for Micah and for Pastor Jeff and for Joel and Don Rutledge and Deb, and many others who have just really dug deeper to learn the technical things that we needed to learn to really have a quality online community of faith. As a result of their efforts and us teaming together and all of this, we are actually reaching far more people today than we were 18 months ago. We have far more people that are part of actually our faith community. Although they don't meet here in person, they watch us virtually every week.

You would be shocked at how many people watch our "Moments of Hope". Watch our "I Promise You" encouragement videos, the different things that we have. You would be literally shocked. You know, why? Because I'm shocked at how many people actually watch us on a regular basis from not only around the country, but in different parts of the world. I'm just so grateful for what God has done for Hope in these last 18 months. 

We came out to this community about 23 years ago. I believe that part of our arrival here had to do with people like Trish Krueger and Jeannie Gammok and others who prayed for many years before we came here for a church that would have another impact in this community. And so there were people who preceded us coming here that helped pave the way. There were people who had been part of us through the last 23 years that have helped us to get where we are at. There is a new team being formed as well, starting today and as we move forward. I remember when we came out here; remember what you said about where a church should be built?

Jacque: Oh yes. 23 years ago, we came here and we were asked to plant a church from our church and they said, just drive through the cities and pray and just see if God shows you something. So we were driving out here and we really felt like we should come. It was miraculous how we were able to obtain land and it was just God. I would say to Brian, aren't just supposed to build a church where there is people? Because there were like, no people. Driving down 30, there was one house. Nothing was here.

Brian: These were all corn fields.

Jacque: And people would kind of make fun of us and say, "You are starting your church like in a corn field."

Brian: Actually, Maple Grove had the Rainbow and the Twin City Federal bank, and that was it. Now, if you go back into the Maple Grove area now, you've got Menards and you've got Sam's Club and you got houses.

Jacque: Houses all the way down.

Brian: When we came here, it was corn fields. 

Jacque: I said that to you many times because I was a doubting Thomas.

Brian: Being a former athlete; I'm not an athlete anymore, obviously, but being a former athlete, the movie that had just really come out recently when we had come here 23 years ago, Field the Dreams. And of course, you know, the classic line from Field of Dreams: "If you build it, they will come." If you build it, they will come.

Jacque: That was always your answer to me.

Brian: So I would always say to Jacque, "If we build it, they will come." Well, things are on track going really well. The city was projecting incredible growth. This is back in 2002 to 2005. I was part of helping the development of some of the comprehensive plans for the city. I served on the charter commission as the chairman of the charter commission. I was a part of a lot of that stuff. And then the crash hit in 2007 and virtually all the growth in this area stopped for a decade. What was going to be a three or five-year wait has now become a 20-year wait. How many of you know that you can get weary in waiting? How many of you know that? 

A lot of changes can take place in waiting. But interestingly enough, during COVID isn't God so incredible? Do you know that hundreds of families have moved into Corcoran in the last 18 months? I served on the city council the last half of last year to fill in for a spot for a gentleman that had to roll off the council. During that last six months of 2020, our city approved a thousand new homes to be built in our community within two miles of our building, within two miles of us here. And so we built it; they are coming. They are coming.

I believe that God is putting a new team together. I'm so thankful for the former teams that we've had. For those of you who are relatively new, we built a cemetery out here about 8/9 years ago, and I take it upon myself to actually mow the cemetery. I do it for a reason. It's not that I want to be in the sun more, but it's one of the ways that every time I mow the cemetery, I look at all the headstones and I think of all the people that helped us get to where we are at. I thank the Lord for them. I realized that we didn't do this on our own, that it was a team effort. My father is buried out there. Our first real long-term Sunday school director, Cybil Monet, who served in that position for 12 years in our church, is laid to rest out there. Gary Harding, one of our dear friends on the servant council, he is laid to rest out there, Eric Jensen, Jason Krueger, and others.

I thank the Lord for the team that we've had up to this point, but now God is putting together another team, a new team. He is doing it to display his glory and to declare something marvelous on this corner of 30 and 116 for his glory. I would like to read a portion of scripture that encouraged me as I was thinking about a new team being formed. I don't know if I want to call that a re-launching, but just God has done so much for us. He has been so faithful to us, but there are new people that are not going to be part of what we are doing. 

I got very encouraged by this portion of scripture in Isaiah 43, verses 18 through 21. I always get so blessed when I read some familiar portions of scripture and I go and read it in the Message Bible, because it gives a fresh perspective to me from verses that I memorize 30, 40 years or go on my life. And this is one: I looked at this in the Message Bible, and this is what it says. Why don't you read it?

Jacque: Forget about what has happened. Don't keep going over old history.

Brian: I don't think God is saying this because it's a bad history. We have a wonderful history. We have a wonderful history, but let's not focus on what's happened. Let's not keep going over what has happened in the past, but what?

Jacque: Alert be present. I am about to do something brand new. It's bursting out. Don't you see it? There it is. I'm making a road through the desert and rivers in the bad lands. Wild animals will say thank you, the coyotes and the buzzards, because I provided water in the desert, rivers through the sun baked or no,

Brian: I don't want anybody to think. I'm calling the new people who are moving into our area coyotes and buzzards.

Jacque: Good point.

Brian: I'm not saying that at all. But I do believe that there is a principle here that God says he is making a road through the desert and rivers in the bad lands. We went to Israel just a few years ago and on my phone popped up a memory video; it's one of those things that happens. It was our trip to Israel. And one of the great videos I had was this incredible, like— they call it a spring, but it was almost like a river and it was just flowing and it was rushing and gushing and all around us was desert, but there was this incredible clear, cold, refreshing water right there. And I felt like the Lord said, this is what God has for Hope to be in this community; this place where people can really get a drink that sustains them.

Jacque: The last line, can I read it?

Brian: Yes.

Jacque: Drinking water for the people I chose, the people I made, especially for myself, a people custom made to praise me.

Brian: A people that God has chosen. I don't want to get into a whole bunch of doctrinal things here and predestination and all that sort of stuff. That's not my point. I believe that God has adopted us into his family and that he has chosen this time to pour out in such a marvelous way, a refreshing drink for people who have become parched, especially in the last 18 months. There is a fresh newness and a fresh beginning. Pastor Jeff, just as you think about that, in terms of our future, you've been a part of really initiating, reaching out into the community in different ways. Just share me some of your thoughts about when you think of the future for Hope Community, what stirs your heart?

Jeff: What I especially love is that God never leaves us in the same place or I would have been stuck way back in a place I don't want to be. He is always taking us to a new place because there is more that he wants to do in us and with us. That never ends. I was especially stirred Brian, this is probably over a year ago now, but when you talked about how old men will dream dreams. I had always thought of dreams like when you are sleeping, but he was talking about dreams, like your dreams for your life. It really helped me realize that we don't get too old to dream about the future because God is always dreaming about the future. The opportunity is never past. There are opportunities, there are windows that may open if we don't take advantage of them, they will close, but it doesn't mean that the rest of your life is lost. In fact, you can have spent the last 50 years in debauchery and you could have totally ruined your life because of how you've lived, and you still have a future hope because that's what God is like. And so you never get too old to always dream for something new, and God is dreaming for something new for each one of you. And because he has called us together, he is dreaming of something new for us.

One of the things that we really have always believed and we really understand there is more to experience in it is that hope was called to be a place of healing. We've experienced that in so many different ways, particularly I think in emotional healing and spiritual healing, but we've also seen many physical miracles over the years where we've seen people touched and their lives, restored in many, many different ways. I really believe we just scratched the surface of what we can see in terms of just declaring and helping people understand how good God is, how much he loves us and how gladly he will intervene in our lives to help us in any way that we need. This is a message that Hope has always had, but I feel like, Brian, in the last 18/24 months, it has just gotten more clear and louder. There is something that we are carrying that is really going to be a life changer for a lot of people. I really think we have an opportunity to see God intervene in the lives of people that we don't know yet with miracles.

That's part of why we started the reaching for more prayer gathering, because we just felt like God had so much more for us. We weren't seeing what we knew he had for us, so we said we've just got to start reaching out. You are all welcome to join us; every night at 6:45 to 7 o'clock we just get together on Zoom and we spend 15 minutes adoring the Lord and asking him to keep taking us to where he wants us to be. I can't see it all. None of us can actually see it all, but I can see snippets of what it looks like when God answers prayers in behalf of people that we care about or when God brings people who have needs and he meets them here. We've seen that happen over the years, and I believe that we are on the cusp of seen it happening again.

Brian: Amen. I'm really excited about this new thing that God is doing, the new team that is now forming and taking shape and that will happen over the next number of months, maybe even a few years. One of the people that has been an encouragement to me is relatively new to our church and that's Paul Johnson. Paul shared with me just a few days ago, just some encouraging things. I wanted Paul to come and just share some of the things that God gave him from the word of God, a beautiful portion of scripture from the book of Ezekiel and just kind of this symbolic thing that God is doing. So grab a microphone there, Paul. You find it there. The J mic; there you go.

Paul: J for Johnson. 

Brian: J for Johnson. Yep. Just pull it out there and come right up here in the middle and we'll get a good camera shot of you here and just share with us. Just stand right there and just share.

Paul: Thank you, pastor. All of us have been in unique circumstances with this COVID thing. For me personally, it has affected my family somewhat, but I feel like the fog is lifting. I know we are hearing that elsewhere. The fog is lifting. As I've been meditating lately, I realized that I become spiritually lazy. I've just sat back, taken things in stride and I needed to really get stirred up. So I began to seek the Lord and he kept giving me four words: come higher and go deeper; come higher, go deeper. Day and night, that just started coming alive in my spirit and I thought that's a good word, but it's a huge word. Can you help me define that a little bit with some specific goals? I like goals. I like to make checks on my list that I've accomplished something.

I'm not going to get into any detail on these for the sake of time, but I believe the word that I receive has application for more than just me. I'm going to share very quickly some of the areas that the Lord is telling me to go higher in. He wants me to go higher in praise, higher in worship, higher in Thanksgiving, higher into his presence, higher into the courts of the Lord, higher in humility, higher in prayer, higher in acts of service, higher in random acts of kindness and higher in meditation. Meditation is not a bad word. It really means to ponder and think about some things. My bucket lists just got much larger and it's a work in progress, actually. I'm so glad the service today had so much about river in it. We had songs about the river. And so often there are books that have been written about the river of God. There are songs about the river of God.

I want to share a passage from is Ezekiel 47. Oh good, you've got the NASB. Let's begin. Then he brought me back to the door of the house, and behold water was flowing from under the threshold of the house toward the east, and for the house faced west, east. And the water was flowing down from under, from the right side of the house from south of the altar. Now, honestly, I don't know if all these directions have any significance, but it's all about the water flowing. He brought me out of the way of the north gate and led me around on the outside to the outer gate, by the way, facing east, and behold water was spurting out from the south side.

When a man went out toward the east with a line in his hands, he measured a thousand cubits and he led me through the water, water reaching the ankles. When we enter a river, remember now, river indicates the flow of God, the move of Holy Spirit. We have a choice. We actually have about three choices. One is to not enter the river at all where the water is up to your ankles and that's all the deeper you want to go. Let's continue. Again, he measured a thousand and led me through the water, water reaching the knees. Now, at this point, you can choose to go deeper in what the Lord is saying, or you can resist and stop right at that point.

Again, he measured a thousand and it led me through the water, water reaching the hips. Again, you are not quite all the way in. There can be some resistance here, but again, he measured a thousand and it was a river that I could not wade across because the water had risen, enough water to swim in, a river that could not be crossed by wading. What happens when you are in fully? You lose control. You are not resisting. You are fully entering into what the Lord has for you. I believe this is a time when God is calling us to shake off, what you said, to shake off some of the past and to press into some new things, some deeper things of God. 

And then he brought me back to the bank of the river. And when I had returned behold on the very bank of the river, there were very many trees on the one side and on the other. When you are in the river, you are receiving life and that life affects those people around you. Keep going. Then he said these waters go toward the eastern region and go down into the Arabah. Then they go toward the sea being made to flow into the sea and the waters of the sea become fresh. When you are flowing with God, when you are in the river, you are bringing life to people; you are affecting lives around you. And I want that for my life. I want to have an impact on the people that I touch. I'm shaking off some of that fog. I'm shaking off some of that laziness that I got into and it's all going to be good, all good.

Now skip ahead to verse 11. There is a warning in there. But its swamps and marshes will not become fresh. They will be left for salt. If you know anything about rivers and streams, they meander; they changed their current. They create what is called oxbows. I had to look that up to know what it is. It's an area of the river that used to be in the current, but because the current change its direction, this oxbow, or this portion of the river is cut off. I think one thing that has happened during this pandemic is that a lot of people allowed themselves to get caught off from the body of Christ. 

One study that I saw said that 40% of Christians may not be going back to their church, or at least to their Sunday morning service. They may still have their kids involved, but they are not going back to Sunday morning. That's a warning that if we allow ourselves to be cut off from life in the body, life in God, life in the river of God, we stand a chance of becoming cut off. We stand a chance of beginning to stink and we stand a chance of drying up. So this is not a time to hold back. This is a time to press on in the river of God.

Brian: Amen. Thank you, Paul.

Jeff: Thanks Paul.

Brian: What can we do for the Lord in this new season that's upon us? That's the question that I've been asking myself. How do we do things? I believe winter has passed. Obviously, the heat of yesterday and today should prove that right. Springtime is here. There is already been a first harvest of alfalfa in our region, and there is already harvest happening here. I think it's important that we also go back and understand there have been promises made by God to this church: directional promises. Just like Abraham and Sarah who waited a long time for them to come, we too have waited for a lot of the promises of God and we've endured, but just like the pool of Siloam that the angels would come and trouble and stir that water up, the spirit would stirred up. The spirit is stirring things up here now. There is a move of the spirit here.

I would like to read another portion of scripture found in Matthew chapter 16, verses 15 through 18. I want to hit something here that I believe is significant that we often overlook in this portion of scripture. Where this event took place, you remembered, Pastor Jeff, it was in a place in kind of Northern Israel, kind of in the area of the former tribe of Dan, where there was a lot of pagan worship and a lot of worship of goats and things like that. This encounter that Peter and Jesus and some of the disciples had with Jesus was in that place where there was just this incredible saturation of idolatry.

Jacque: May I say one thing?

Brian: Yeah.

Jacque: I hear a lot when I listened to music and this morning I was listening to a song that I didn't even know it was called, never give up. There was the best line in it and it said God never gives up. He keeps working until what he began is completed.

Brian: He usually begins a good work.

Jacque: Yep, just the new way to say it. He is not going to ever give up. Okay. Matthew 16: but what about you? He asked, who do you say I am? Simon Peter answered, “You are the Messiah, the son of the living, God,” and Jesus replied, “Blessed are you Simon son of Jonah for this was not revealed to you by flesh and blood, but by my father in heaven.”

Brian: This is kind of like a post Pentecost New Testament experience that Peter was having before all of that took place, because there was a revelation that came from God to Peter by the Holy Spirit about who Jesus was. It was a move of the spirit. It was a direction of the spirit.

Jacque: And I tell you that you are Peter.

Brian: Which means a rock; your name means rock.

Jacque: And on this rock, I will build my church.

Brian: A lot of times people and particularly, the Catholic faith have believed that that is referring to Peter being the first Pope and that the church was going to be built on Peter. I don't believe contextually that's what this is saying. What Jesus is saying here is you are blessed Simon because this revelation of who I am wasn't given to you by a man or somebody else. But rather this revelation was given to you. This understanding was given to you by the spirit of God. Jesus goes on to say on that rock, on that revelation, on that procedure, on a revelation from the spirit of God, he says that he is going to build his church and

Jacque: The gates of Hades will not overcome it.

Brian:  That's right. And as we talked a few weeks ago, the gates of a city were where the fathers of the city would gather. It's kind of like the city councils where the leaders of the city would gather and formulate plans for the city, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. The Gates of hell mean the schemes of the enemy or the plans of the enemy, where the fathers, as it were, of hell would gather to scheme against the church. Jesus is saying that all of that scheming is not going to prevail against the church because my church is going to be built on revelations from my father and heaven based on his word.

And so we have this idea that where God is now downloading strategies into his people, downloading strategy. Sometimes they come through leadership. Sometimes they just come through people. But God is downloading strategies and he want to demonstrate his love, his signs, his wonders, so people will wonder enough to want to know him. That's why there are signs and wonders. Someone asked me once, what's a wonder. I said it means that we don't understand. How can I tell you something I don't understand? It's a wonder. But we wonder. One of the things that will cause people to really wonder is how we love them, how we love them. 

That has happened to my piano professor. He was hard-hearted towards the church and towards God. Five years ago, I just began to just talk to him about how much God cared about him. Somewhere in the last five years, he gave his heart to Jesus. I don't know when it happened; it happened by himself, but now he talks to me about going to heaven when he dies. He talks about the wonderful things that await him. He says, "Do you think I’ll be able to play the piano in heaven?" I said, "I think so." I said, "But the orchestras that you are going to play with there are a lot better than any orchestras you played with here." Frankly, I think as hard as the last 18 months has been, there have been some wonderful things that happened during this pandemic, but we do have to guard against the schemes of the enemy like Paul was saying, and we can't forget the beauty of community. Jesus addressed this in another portion of scripture, very short verse: Matthew 18 verse 20, which says this.

Jacque: For where two or three gathered in my name there am I with them. Thank you, God.

Brian: I think the main thing that Jesus was trying to point out here and get across is that when we are in the presence of other people who follow Jesus, we can actually experience more of the presence of God when we are like that rather than less. If the same Holy Spirit that is in me is also in you then when we come together, we amplify the presence of God.

Jacque: Sometimes I have this picture when people are walking in and the presence of God is in us. I see like a flame in us. And then all these flames come together and there is a bonfire when we are all together.

Brian: As I was thinking about this, some of you probably remember the movie, “Back to the Future,” and you remember the opening scene where Michael J. Fox takes that rheostat on his amplifier and turns that all the way up and then he hits one chord and it is this massive amplifier and it blows him across the room. Well, that's kind of what I picture when we gathered together in the body of Christ; we amplify the presence of God that's in all of our lives. There is an incredible power that happens when we experienced the presence of God in the space that exists between us as followers of Christ. 

I believe one of God's desires is that Hope Community will be a people of God's presence who demonstrate the love of God, the power of God, the presence of God. I would just simply say to those of you who are part of our online community today, who are watching, I encourage you to invite a friend to watch online with you and form all these little satellite churches in a sense. Invite a friend; invite a family member to watch online because as you connect with other people of faith, you will experience a greater dynamic of the power of God in your viewing of our livestream. I would also encourage you to ask people who don't know the Lord to come and witness and experience the significant things that God is doing in his presence. To those of you who are able to meet in person, I encourage you to join arms, joined the team in a sense. Let's join up with each other to demonstrate his love and his glory.

I want to close by telling you about a man who had an incredible impact on my life. He was one of the top three influences in my life. His name is Herb. On mother's day of 1953, he came to the church that my dad was pastoring. I was just two and a half. He was a rough old guy. After the service, my dad went back to talk to him and he just kind of pushed my dad aside. It looked like things were not going well. One of the things my dad had done because Herb also was not only a farmer, he worked in the mines in Crosby. He had bailed his hay, but he had to go to work. He couldn't get the hay in the barn and it was about to rain. My dad took my mom out to Herb's farm, and hooked up a hay wagon to his three speed pickup truck that might mom had no clue how to drive. My dad had my mom drive around the field in this pickup truck while my dad threw hay bales on the hay wagon.

My dad tells a story that for every two bales he threw on, the way my mother let out to clutch, one of the bales fell off the hay wagon. But after a day out in the field, my dad had got all of Herb's hay in the barn. He came home. He was very angry and upset; he thought the hay was still in the field. His wife said that the preacher from town came and he picked up all the hay and it's in the barn. So he came to church. That one act of love changed his heart. He pushed my dad aside and ran down to the altar and prayed to receive Christ. 

Herb only had about an eighth grade education and he wanted to do something for God and so he thought maybe I can teach some young boys about Jesus. I was one of those boys. I was one of those kids that he cared about. I can honestly tell you, I do not remember one lesson he taught me. I don't remember one. I can't remember what he said. I just remember he cared. He cared about me. He would take me fishing, and some of my buddies.

When Herb passed away a few years later, there were five of us boys in his class that became pastors. There was one that became a missionary. There is another that became an architect and designed churches and buildings. There is another one that became a banker who helped finance a lot of ministries. Herb saw the need to be a part of the team and he taught us in our fifth and sixth grade class about Jesus. That's what we need to do as we are forming and laying another team. There are things that all of us can do. We've got children's ministry here. We have all sorts of opportunities that await us.

There is a significance in becoming part of a team and locking arms together and declaring the wonderful things of Jesus Christ. I pray that we would see that God has placed us here for such a time as this. We've been placed here for such a time as this. For those of you who are watching online, you have a significant place right where you are at, whether it's in Alabama, whether it's in Iron Mountain, Michigan, whether it's in Arizona, whether it's in Florida or whatever state you are in, whatever country you are in. God is putting together a community of faith, connected to Hope Community, and there are significant things that God has for all of us to do. I'm very excited about our future. I'm very excited about what God is doing in our community. I'm very excited about the river of God that will flow from all of us to bring a quenching of the thirst to those who are thirsty. Let's pray together.

Father, I thank you for what you've done. I thank you for Pastor Jeff and for Micah and others who took the challenge to learn how to do something they had no knowledge in, but it was an opportunity that was right in front of us. We can say COVID created it. That's very possible. And Lord, we know that what the enemy has meant for evil you can always bring good of. And I pray Lord, for those of us who would think I can't do that, I can't do this, I can't do that. I pray that we would begin to understand that with you all things are possible, that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. And that Lord, I believe you are forming a fellowship and a community of faith here, a new beginning. 

You are partnering with us Lord, and we have other people partnering with us from around the country and different parts of the world, even. We, Lord, are grateful for all of those who are partnering with us. I'm so thankful for the people who are here because they help us to sustain all that you are doing. And I pray that Lord, we would ask ourselves this question, where do I fit into this wall? How can I be a part? How can I be a blessing? How can I touch someone so that their life will be forever changed? How can we become Herbs at Hope? How can we become Herbs at Hope? This we pray Jesus in your name and for your sake. Amen. Pastor Jeff, why don't you bless us as we leave today, would you please?

Jeff: Thank you, Jesus. Just hold out your hands. May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord, make his face to shine upon you and give you grace. And may the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you his peace in the name of the father, son and Holy Spirit. Amen. Go in peace.

Brian: Go in peace. Drink a lot of water today for going to be outside. Feel free to call us if you are getting stirred about some area of service. But the most important drink is to drink of his water today. God bless you. Have a wonderful day.

Transcript taken from the Sunday morning service 6-6-21. If you would like to watch the full service, click the link below.