Looking Forward

Pastor Brian and Jacque Lother

Jacque: Beautiful. We can clap. It's good. Yes. That song was "Let your Glory be Known". I love it. It's so hard for me to not sing along with you, but it's so fun to just hear the piano. It's so beautiful. It's so nice to have so many with us today at church. Thank you for being here. It's so nice to have so many of you with us at home. It's so good that you are there, but if you can, come here. It's just so beautiful to see your faces. Some of the snowbirds are coming home. We are glad we can give you this weather. It's just good to be together in God's presence, isn't it? Thank you. Thank you for being here. I want to invite the women to join me on online every Wednesday for 45 minutes at 7 o'clock. We call it sister to sister. We are having such a special time during this Lenten season. We are just talking about Jesus. We are going through the scriptures one by one where Jesus talked to his disciples from the Passover to the garden, and so much richness for us to incorporate into our lives and to remember. So if you can, come join your sisters of Hope and we invite you, our sisters online, wherever you are from, you can Zoom with us. We would love to have you. If you don't get that email every week that tells you everything that's available, we'll send it to you; just email the church.

Brian: We've had some great times of prayer, and you've really had a couple of really kind of very special encounters with the Lord in the Zoom prayer gathering.

Jacque: Yes. I know some people say it's just not the same. And it's not the same as sitting face to face that experience, I'm sure. But you know, the Lord says wherever two or three are gathered in my name, there I am. We have a women's prayer meeting every Friday morning, and I tell you the presence of God was so beautiful with us last Friday. Nobody talked, which is amazing.

Brian: That's a miracle to have women come together and...

Jacque: Let me say that; not you, Brian.

Brian: Okay.

Jacque: Women should say that; not you. 

Brian: I was just noticing the miracle.

Jacque: I know it was. But nobody wanted to even talk about three times during that time. So as we gather in his name, the way that we can do it so easily right now, he is there with us.

Brian: So thank you. We encourage all of you to join us as you are able to. We had a great prayer gathering again last Thursday evening as well on Zoom in. I'm just so thankful that we can collectively come together and test the heart of God in these areas of prayer and so forth. I'm kind of a World War II buff a little bit. I like to—

Jacque: You’ve actually turned me into one.

Brian: Yeah, that was another miracle. I think part of it is because your dad was a navigator and the B17 in World War II. My father was on an aircraft carrier in the North Pacific. He actually was very instrumental in helping really come up with a device that caused the German torpedoes to not hit the ships and was really instrumentally used by God and so forth. One of our dear friends, Lou Lembo, was in the Battle of the Bulge and all three of them, of course. Today is the anniversary of your dad's passing 13 years ago. We call it his graduation day.

Jacque: I was kind of thinking, "Oh, should I be sad?" And I just felt like I just heard, "No, don't be sad. It was his graduation day."

Brian: He graduated 13 years ago today, and yet when I think of our fathers and others who have been important in our lives like War McGill, he was also wounded in the European theater, your neighbor that you grew up with was in the Pacific and was part of Iwo Jima

Jacque: [Inaudible 50:45]

Brian: So I like to watch a lot of stuff from—

Jacque: Uncle Jean.

Brian: Uncle Jean, yeah.  He was shot down over Czechoslovakia.

Jacque: Prisoner of war.

Brian: Prisoner of war for three years. We have some real strong connection to a World War II, and so I like to study a lot of the military strategies and so forth. I was just thinking today, how different God is when it comes to spiritual warfare than how we are in military warfare, because when it comes to spiritual warfare, God is not concerned that the devil knows what his plans are. He just makes an announcement, and says this is what I'm going to do, and then he does it.

I was just thinking of Eisenhower back, let's say before D-Day, if he would have sent some kind of communication off to Hitler and said, "Adolf, I'm calming, and here is where I'm coming. I'm coming on this date. This is where I'm coming to and ain’t nothing you can do about it." That would have been just like unheard of if our military leaders would give to the enemy, the strategies that they were planning. God actually just simply announces what he is going to do and does it. I actually like following a leader like that. Sometimes I believe that actually, we give Satan way too much credit for what he does and what he can do. We forget that greater is he that is in us than he that's in the world.

The fact of the matter is Satan can't erase your name out of the book of life. Do you ever think about that? Satan can't erase your name out of the book of life. He can't take you out of the hands of our father in heaven. If you are a son, he can't undo your son-ship. If you are a daughter, he can't undo the fact that you are a princess to the king. But what Satan does do is he messes with our minds. That's what Satan does. That's the main battlefield, I think.

Jacque: Joyce Meyers said that.

Brian: Joyce Meyers wrote a book about the battle of field of your mind. One of the things he can cause you to do is actually to think less of yourself than what God thinks of you. Now imagine that. Why would we allow Satan to cause us to think of ourselves in a way that isn't how God thinks of us? And yet God is oftentimes put aside in our minds and we actually believe the things that Satan says about us. So the fact of the matter is, or this is, this is kind of the crossroads where we are at, and the question we have to answer, is whose report are you going to believe? Whose report are you going to believe? 

What so many Christians still don't really believe is that, like I mentioned this morning, the God who loves them actually likes them. The God who loves you actually really likes you, but we struggle with that. We really struggle with that. We are on this pilgrimage; you and I have been talking about this journey that we've been on for our whole marriage, 46 years of spiritual growth. It's really like a pilgrimage. We really have to reprogram our minds on this journey, on this pilgrimage. We have to reprogram our minds that God really likes us. I didn't always think that way.

Jacque: Oh, are you preaching the sermon for me?

Brian: Kind of.

Jacque: That has been like— I'm constantly rethinking, writing the truth, not what's in my head. And I have things all over my house, pictures and everything to remind me of the truth of God's love.

Brian: Yes. And I think most of us— I kind of put it this way: most of us live on the reconciliation side of God. We've been reconciled to God. We have a place to go when we die. There is eternal life that awaits us. I can't be more grateful for all of that. And yet sometimes I think we don't live on the relational side of God like we should.

Jacque: The enjoyment side.

Brian: The enjoyment side of God. Yes. The, dare I say, fun side of God. God has a fun side.

Jacque: An exciting side.

Brian: An exciting side. It sounds so unspiritual, doesn't it? It sounds so not righteous and holy enough. But one of the things that God said in the Book of Revelation was that you and I were created for his pleasure, for him to have pleasure with; not as a toy thing, but the kind of pleasure that comes from having a relationship with your children.

Jacque: The scripture says he dances over us and he sings over us.

Brian: That's right. My prayer is that God will grant to us a real impartation of this truth that we cannot forget about, of course, shall we say, the reconciliation side because that's very important that God so loved the world that he gave so that we could be reconciled, our sins could be removed, that we could be forgiven and so forth, but it shouldn't stop there. It needs to progress into a true, enjoyable, pleasurable relationship that we have with God.

Jacque: Which turns into a true, pleasurable and enjoyable life.

Brian: Yes. My prayer is that this kind of really hits our soul, it hits our soul and it changes how we think. I'll just kind of tell you the best example I can think of. Most of you know that when I was younger, I had an aspiration to go into classical music and to become a classical pianist. That was all I thought about. My career was becoming a classical pianist, to do recitals and concerts and play with orchestras. It was a deep, deep passion of mine. And then you know what happened? I met you. I fell in love and something changed in me and my whole world changed. The things that I longed for and desired became less for me, and the most important thing for me was to have a life with you. That wasn't just an intellectual change that happened to me. I didn't sit down one day and say, "Boy, your future is really dim. You better find yourself a woman."

That just wasn't how I was thinking, because my future was really bright. I had a good future in front of me, but when I met you and fell in love with you, there was an incredible change from my heart out, and I've never regretted the change. I've never regretted the change. I believe that that God wants to help us change the way we view and perceive him. That's what happened with me when I met you; I changed how I perceived what my future was going to be and all those things that I had envisioned with it. There are some times where I have thought I don't even comprehend God at all like he really wants me to comprehend him and in the relationship that we can have with him. He wants us to know him how he really, really is.

I heard a story fairly recently; it's a little bit of a sad story. It's a little sad story, but there is some incredible truth in the story. It was about this little five-year-old boy that had been abducted by a kidnapper, by an inductor. When he had still been living at home, his mom and dad had taught him, if anything ever happens to you, if you ever get lost, if you ever get separated or something, call our number. This is our phone number. He memorized the phone number, knew what the phone number was. After he was abducted, the phone never rang at the parent's house. A week went by and then a month went and the year went by and the phone never rang. This young boy never called home. You can imagine, of course, what the parents thought had happened. Seven years went by and this boy was still in the confines, in a sense, of this abductor. 

And then this man, who abducted him, did it again to another five-year-old boy. So now this other first boys 12, and this new young boy is five years old, and he is brought home. Something triggered in this 12 year old's mind about the hell that was awaiting this new victim. When they were left alone, they got out of the house and they went to the police. And of course, they were spared and saved and the first boy was actually returned to his parents. You can imagine the joy that they experienced. But there was a question that still remained unanswered. And that question was, why didn't you ever call home? This guy left; the phone was there and you never called home. Why didn't you ever call home? The interesting answer was that the kidnapper, the first thing he started to do when he kidnapped this boy was he began to change his thinking. He began to say to him, "Your parents don't like you anymore. Your parents are angry with you. They don't want to see you anymore."

As I read this story and how it kept this young boy from ever reaching out to his parents, how that's what Satan has done to us. He has lied to us about God is angry with you. You never measure up to God's level of expectation. You are always falling short. He doesn't really like you anymore. As a result, we have found ourselves not calling home. We found ourselves not feeling that we can reach out and call the Lord at any time. What Satan has done is he has not only lied to us, but he flaunts our mistakes before our very eyes. He holds us back and he says to us, "God is angry with you. You could never be pleasing to God."

I find it interesting that Satan is not afraid of a dreamer, but what he really is fearful of are the dreams that a dreamer will have. Because when we begin to connect with our dreams, what we do is we actually begin to connect with God, because God puts those dreams into our hearts. When we connect with God, the dreamer now has an anchor into eternity. The dreamer has an anchor into the creator of all things and now that dreamer can actually become a vehicle or an instrument of the creator to actually do something marvelous in the kingdom of God to make an impact on the world we live in, to come to earth, and in a sense, change things. That's why Satan doesn't want you to know how God feels about you, because if you really understood how God felt about you and we really grasp how God really feels about us and understood the love and just the approval that God has for us, that we could actually, I think, change our world for something beautiful to live in, someplace beautiful to live in.

We have an interesting story in the book of judges. I was just thinking that when we connect with our dreams, we get a picture of what God's plans are for us. We get a picture of what God's plans are for us. His plans are about tomorrow and looking forward. And that's what this message is really entitled, Looking forward. God has a future; God has a tomorrow for every single one of us. God has a tomorrow for all of us, a future for all of us that is a good one. We put that on the corner of our building. That's kind of like our theme verse for our church. There is a wonderful story; once in a while when I'm feeling as though I'm not measuring up, I go back to this story in the book of Judges. It's the story of Gideon. So let's read the first six verses of Judges chapter 6.

Jacque:  In the message Bible.

Brian: I'm just going to give you a little backdrop here of the person of Gideon and what was going on. So let's read it.

Jacque: Yet, again, the people of Israel went back to doing evil in God's sight. God put them under the domination of Midian for seven years. Midian overpowered Israel.

Brian: Let's just stop there for a second. We are about March 7th to date,so we are kind of like basically a year into COVID, a year. Anybody tired of it? Now just kind of put this into context. This was a seven year cycle of what happened to the people of Israel from the people of Midian. They were under the domination of Midian for seven years and Midian overpowered Israel.

Jacque: Because of middy and the people of Israel made for themselves hideouts in the mountain, caves and forts. When Israel planted its crops, Midian and Amalek, the Easterners would invade them camp in their fields and destroyed their crops all the way down to Gaza. They left nothing for them to live on, neither sheep nor ox, nor donkey. Bringing their cattle and tents, they came in and took over like an invasion of locusts and their camels pass counting. They marched in and devastated the country. The people of Israel, reduced to grinding poverty by Midian, cried out to God for help.

Brian: Israel had you turn their backs on God, and the natural consequence of that was just that God kind of lifted his hand to protection. When God's hand of protection is lifted off of us, bad things happen, and that's what happened here. The Midianites came in and they basically ran sack them. They reduced Israel to basically a grinding poverty that was their existence. For seven years, Israel fled to the caves in the mountains as the Midianites plundered their fields and plundered the fruit of their labors and they stole what they had. Whatever they tried to create and make, they were ravaged by the Midianites. They watched as their livestock would be stolen and get butchered, and they would watch as their crops were destroyed. This is the scenario that existed. 

One of the people in this story, of course, is Gideon. Gideon was in a wine press, a small building that they use for making wine. He was trying to grind out a little bit of grain to make a loaf of bread, but in hiding. That's what he was trying to do. And so we come across now in verses 11 and 12 of Judges chapter 6. Let's read that.

Jacque: One day, the angel of God came and sat down under the oak in Ophrah that belonged to Joash, the Abiezrite, whose son, Gideon, was threshing wheat in the wine press out of sight of the Midianites. The angel of God appeared to him and said, “God is with you, oh, mighty warrior.”

Brian: Don't you think that that is like the craziest salutation ever? Here is Gideon hiding, trying to make one loaf of bread. The Midianites have ransacked the whole countryside and the angel of the Lord, which is I believe, a way of stating in the Old Testament, Jesus showing up. The angel of the Lord is, I believe, a personification of Jesus in the Old Testament. This angel of the Lord shows up and he says, "God is with you, oh, mighty warrior." Is that our idea of a warrior? Was Gideon the personification of a warrior? No; not at all. It's not our idea of a warrior. God called the man who was afraid and didn't want to fight a mighty warrior.

Just think about that for a second. God called a man who didn't want to fight and was afraid a mighty warrior. I think this scripture should be an incredible encouragement to all of us. I think this scripture shows us that God saw Gideon in a way that Gideon didn't see himself at all. Wouldn't you agree? This should be so encouraging to us, even those of us who have said to ourselves, how can I survive another? How can I make it another day? Because if those thoughts are in your minds today, I can guarantee you, you are not thinking of your future. You are not thinking of tomorrow. You are not thinking of anything great that anybody can do for God. You might be thinking about, how can I make it through today? We don't think of those people as someone who can accomplish very much, but the fact of the matter is God has a much better opinion of you than you have of yourself. Just think about that. God has a much better opinion of yourself than you even have of yourself. So whose report you are going to believe?

Jacque: His report. He believes in us. 

Brian: Yeah. How many of you are willing to stand before God and say, I don't believe you? No, right? God sees you through the hope that he has for you. God sees you through, in a sense, the faith that God has of what can happen when his spirit is in you. As a result, he sees you in your future, not your past. Most of us see ourselves from our past, don't we? Most of us don't see ourselves as what is going to happen in the future, what can happen tomorrow, what I can do tomorrow. Almost all of us see ourselves in what has happened in the past. I think the biggest enemy of faith is not unbelief, but it's our memory. It's our memory of things that we've failed in, our prayers that never got answered, when we laid hands on the sick and maybe they didn't recover. That is a bigger hindrance to our faith than anything else.

Jacque: Why is our memory so good to remember the bad and the past?

Brian: The bad and not the good. And you know what, Gideon had seven years of bad memories one day after another, one day after another. We were just talking to a friend recently about someone we knew many years ago. This person was by vivacious and full of confidence, and after 40 some years later, life has beaten him down. This person is no longer confident. This person is no longer full of vivaciousness. This is not God's plan. This isn't what God wants. I believe that faith is a revelation of what hasn't happened yet, a picture that's been dropped into our hearts by God, a dream that's been dropped into our hearts by God. Our memory is a wreck record of what did or didn't happen. 

A lot of times, like you said, the memories that we fall back on are all the things that went wrong. Not all the things that went right. God has been so faithful to us for the last 23 years as a church, one day after another, one week after another, one month after another. And yet it's so easy for me, even to fall back into where is God.

Jacque: We have to be so intentional to write down all those blessings, to write them down and even reread them and reread them.

Brian: So after seven years of being ransacked, everything stolen from him, Gideon is called a mighty warrior. He hadn't won one victory. He hadn't defeated one Midianite. He was called a mighty warrior. I believe God is calling you and I mighty warriors regardless of where we've been in our lives. Those of you who are watching today, maybe you have nothing but one failure after another; God is still calling you a mighty warrior because he is not looking at you for where you are at. He is looking at you for what he can do through you with his power and presence in your life. What matters most is God's opinion; not my opinion, not Satan's opinion. So again, whose report are we going to believe? Will you believe the report of your failures? Because those failures are ever before our minds. You know that, right?

Those failures are ever before our minds. It isn't our successes that are ever before our minds. It's our failures. Satan sees to that. Are we going to believe the setbacks that we've had or the things that went wrong? Are we going to believe in the diagnosis of an incurable disease or a financial difficulty that can't be overcome? Are we going to be listening to simply the limitations of our past, the put-downs of those who said we would never make it, it will never work or are we going to believe the report of the Lord? What are we going to believe? Whose report will we believe? God called things into existence out of nothing. God call things into existence out of nothing. He said let there be light and all of a sudden lights happened. It came from nowhere. It didn't come from somewhere. It came from nowhere. He called it into existence by the word of his power. That light then shined into the darkness. That light can shine into our unbelief today as well.

And so today, the God of mercy and grace who reconciled you to himself, who removed all the barriers of this reconciliation between us and him by sending Jesus is speaking to us again today, and he is saying, "I'm not concerned about what's happened to you in your past. That's not where my focus is. I don't care what has happened to you up until today. That was yesterday. I have a plan for you for tomorrow, and it's a very, very good plan. It's a very good plan." Let's look at what the Lord says in verse 13,

Jacque: Gideon replied...

Brian: So God says, “God is with you on mighty warrior,” and Gideon had a very interesting response. Here is what his response was. 

Jacque: With me, my master?

Brian: With me? There is a little bit of woo. Like, who is that, Scooby Doo that talks like that?

Jacque: I can't believe you remember that.

Brian: Right. What you talking about, man? Who else said that? I forget that.

Jacque: Yeah. He was cute too. Arnold.

Brian: I don't know—but anyways—

Jacque: We digress.

Brian: We digress with me?  But then he asked a very interesting question.

Jacque: If God is with us, why has all this happened to us?

Brian: Have you ever asked that question, huh? Have you ever asked that question? If God is really with us, why is all this happening? Obviously, God is not with us because if he was with us, this wouldn't be happening. That's what we think. Wow. Let's go on.

Jacque: Where are all the miracle wonders our parents and grandparents told us about, telling us, didn't God deliver us from Egypt? The fact is God has nothing to do with us. He has turned us over to Midian.

Brian: So basically what Gideon is saying, if God is really with us, why has all this happened? Why? Isn't that the question that Satan wants all of us to ask. Why? Why? Why? If God is with us, where are all the miracles? Why all of this? Why has this happened? Why have we gone through this for seven years? Why have I been through this difficulty? The question why is the devil's favorite question. I love God's response to Gideon's why. And we see it in verse 14.

Jacque: The Lord turned to him and said, “Go in the strength you have and save Israel out of Midian's hand. Am I not sending you?”

Brian: Here is God's response: I really don't care what your question is. I've got some for you to do. He didn't even answer the why he didn't answer the question. All he said was, listen, I've got an assignment for you. Are you going to believe me? Are you going to believe me? Gideon's, I'm sure he was thinking to himself, go save the nation. What a joke! It's a bad joke as a matter of fact. But God was saying, Gideon, here is what I need you to do. I need you to take your eyes off your self-preservation. Isn't that what guides us a lot, our own self-preservation?

He said, "I need you to take your eyes off your own self-preservation. I need you to take your eyes off your own survival, and I want you to set them on something that is beyond yourself. I want you to set your eyes on something that is beyond yourself and think of the goal that only I can accomplish through you. Think of the goal that only I can accomplish through you." And that goal is save the nation. Save the nation. Maybe some of us need to return to the time when we actually dreamed, when we dreamed unimpeded. Maybe you might remember that time in your life and maybe you've forgotten how to do that, like a child.

I remember asking children, what do you want to be when you grow up? I want to be an astronaut. I want to be an astronaut. And then they get into a school with a teacher that doesn't believe in them, they maybe have a parent that puts them down, and by the time they graduate from high school, they don't even believe they can work manual labor, never mind become an astronaut. Why? Because they believe the lies. They believed the lies, all the lies that were told to them all through the years, instead of listening to positive reinforcement, instead of listening to what God would have to say to them. Just kind of pulling to a close here. 

There was a time in Jacque and my life where all we had were our dreams. There was a time in Jacque and my life when all we had was our dreams. We didn't have any money. We didn't have any reputation, not in this area anyways. We didn't have any prestige, but we had faith and we had hope. We had a vision and we had a dream. We would drive by this corner and what would we say?

Jacque: Someday, there is going to be a church over there. 

Brian: Yeah. Someday there is going to be a church right over there. That was a dream. 

Jacque: Every time we turned the corner.

Brian: Every time we said it; someday, there is going to be a church up there. Some of us need to go back to the place where we have thought to ourselves, whatever God asks me to do, I'm going to do. Whatever God asks me to do, I'm going to do. Whatever God asks us to do, we are going to do it. We can't move forward living in our memories, whether they are good or bad memories. I have a lot of good memories, but what God has for us and tomorrow— I can be encouraged by many of the things that he is done in the past, but what I need for tomorrow, isn't in the past. It's in my tomorrow. It's in my tomorrow. It's in my presence with him and we can move forward. Knowing that God sees us in the light of what we can do with his spirit in us, not just the empty shelves that we are. At the risk of sounding a little bit not very serious here, but I really am very serious. You know what we all are? We are all just a bunch of dummies that come to life when the ventriloquist puts his hands inside of us. Please don't go around telling everybody they are a big dummy.

Isn't it incredible when a ventriloquist who really knows how to operate that little friend of theirs? It's as if that little dummy is really alive. It's like it's talking to you. It's incredible. Don't put me back in that suitcase, right? It's like he has a personality. We come alive when the hands of God come inside of us. And the hands of God are his spirit. When his spirit comes within us, we come alive, we come alive with power, we come alive with hope, we come alive with provision, we come alive with love. That's what we do.

God often has so much more faith in us than we have in ourselves because he knows what can happen with us when his hands are inside of us, when we are sitting on his lap and he has got the control. There is so much more that God has for us than what our little minds can conceive. There are victories to be won. There are mountains to be climbed. There is a devil to be defeated. I just think we need to believe his report because his report isn't about what we've done and our abilities. His report is what he can do in us with his power and strength in us. That's what his report is all about.

I think Paul understood this when he said, "I can do what all things through Christ who strengthens me." I can do all things. There is not one thing that I can't do that God asks me to do when his power and strength and his hands are in me. When his spirits in me, there is not one thing that I can't do. I can live for him. I might have to die for him, but there is not one thing that I can't do with his power, his hands in me.

This is why we have so much to look forward to, so much to look forward to. We see ourselves as being stomped on by the Midianites for seven years. That's how we see ourselves. God sees us by what can happen in our lives with his presence in us. That's why he says for us to look to him, look to him. I look unto the Lord from whence cometh my help. Look to him. And so today let's not look at our past because God's not there. God is here in the now. He says, "I am that I am," not I was that I was. I am that I am, and I will be out there with you.

So let's not look at our past, whether good or bad. A lot of us have some really good pasts and others of us have maybe some not-so-good pasts and it hinders how we think, but it doesn't change God's view of us one bit. Our past doesn't change God's view of us one bit, because he looks at us as this person that he is absolutely infatuated with, who wants to bless the world through us. He wants to bless the world through. So let's pray today, can we? I want to come out here and stand and just bless you and pray with you.

I just pray today that your hearts will be receptive to the truth that God really does have a higher opinion of you than you have ever had of yourself and God believes in you so much more than maybe you've ever believed in yourself. And so father, I pray today that our minds would be transformed and that your presence would come and your hands would virtually come into us, and that we would give you, in essence, the control of our lives. We would be that powerful stallion that is ridden by a very small man who just lays the reins on one side of the neck or the other, and that stallion responds because he is not only powerful, but he is meek. He is controllable by the rider. Lord, we want you to be able to control us. We want to give ourselves to you, trusting you in such a way, believe in you in such a way, believe your report about us, that you look at us and even though we've been in hiding, even though we've been ransacked, even though everything has been stolen from us, you declare over us that you are with us and that we are mighty warriors, mighty warriors.

So today I pray that there would be a transformation from our soul, our hearts into our minds and that God, in the same way that my whole life got changed when I fell in love with Jacque, that Lord, we would just completely fall in love with you and your goodness. And that Lord, our minds would change and our outlook would change and our belief would change and our confidence would change and our futures will be changed as well. I pray for saturation of your revelation of your love for us to me to us all. This, I pray, in your name and for your sake. Let's lift our hands together, shall we?

Now may the Lord bless you and may the Lord keep you. May the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you. May the Lord turn his face towards you and give you his peace. May you believe the report of the Lord for your life. This we pray in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen. God bless you. Thank you for being with us today. Thank you for worshiping with us. It's so great to see so many of you back in the house of the Lord. Keep inviting your friends. There is room for more here. God bless you. Have a wonderful, wonderful day. Bye-bye.

Transcript taken from the Sunday morning service 3-7-21. If you would like to watch the full service, click the link below.