Kick-Starting Our Dreams

Pastor Brian and Jacque Lother

Jacque: The last note is done. Okay. Happy Valentine's Day, everyone. Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God. It's good. He fills our hearts with his love for one another. The love in our hearts comes directly from God. The more we give it away, the more we get. We want to try not to let anything clog up so we can keep giving it out, giving it out, giving it out.

Brian: Being clogged up can be miserable, and I know because my stove got clogged up this week and Friday I was outside for about seven hours in cold weather trying to unclog it. 

Jacque: And our house was very cold.

Brian: And it's not unclogged yet.

Jacque: Yes, but happy Valentine's Day.

Brian: Thank you. I wore red just to celebrate Valentine's Day.

Jacque: I did too. You are a wonderful valentine.

Brian: You are my valentine. Thank you for being on this journey with me all these years.

Jacque: Lots of Valentine's days.

Brian: Yes, what a great journey.

Jacque: It gets better.

Brian: We are not done yet either, with this journey. Hallelujah. 

Jacque: We are better than ever. Life is easier to do with you even easier to do with you.

Brian: Either that or just we are not very sensitive anymore. 

Jacque: No.

Brian: No, we are becoming more sensitive, actually.

Jacque: Yes. Yes we are. That's good. 

Brian: Yes. I love you, babe.

Jacque: I love you too.

Brian: You are a wonderful wife. 

Jacque: You are wonderful husband.

Brian: And thank you for being a great partner all these years. God is not done with us yet. I'm kind of going to reach a milestone here in a week.

Jacque: Next week, Brian turns 70. 

Brian: Wow. Hey, don't all of you faint now.

Jacque: Think about that. Brad says he is going to be a man now. 

Brian: I'm going to be a man now. 

Jacque: So everybody who comes to church next week, I'm sending you home with a little party favor. I would have had a big all-church lunch, but we might have to do it for your 71st birthday when COVID is done. 

Brian: Yeah, maybe so.

Jacque: Yeah, we'll celebrate.

Brian: There is a lot of transition happening. I think most of you are aware that Catalin and Kelly want to start a church and this is happening. Today, actually, is officially Kelly's last day of employment here at Hope Community. Catalin, we need to hold on to Catalin for just a little bit longer, but we have a transition happening there. It's bittersweet. We are excited for them, what God is doing for them. I'm sad for us, and nobody can talk me out of that, being sad for us, but we know that God is just a God of blessing. When we think of God's storehouse, there is enough to go around.

Jacque: Abundance.

Brian: There is abundance in the storehouse of God. We are kind of coming to an idea when Catalina is going to be able to transition out. We have a plan in place and we are starting to do some implementation of that plan to transition from him. When we do that, we'll have an official kind of sending them out and transitioning with the people who are coming in to take their spots and so forth. We'll kind of do that here in a few weeks when everything is ready to do that, but I just wanted everybody to know that if you see Kelly, give her a hug from afar and whatever, and send her appreciations and texts and thank you for all the work she has done through the years, because we kind of get accustomed to someone who has been with us for 23 years and it's hard to transition out, but it is what it is. And so we are grateful for that.

Anyways, I want to talk today about— actually, the title of my message is kick-starting our dreams, kick-starting our dreams. A kick-start— I kind of looked this up because I want to kind of get an official— You like to do this, get the official definitions of words and stuff. A kick-start is a course of action that will quickly start something going again. It's something that gets something going again. The scriptures revealed to us all different ways to receive from God. Sometimes when we read certain portions of scripture, we just kind of read them at certain times of the year, like the Christmas story. We have a tendency to just kind of gloss over a lot of the scripture there during the rest of the year, but only kind of read it during the Christmas season. 

There is a portion of scripture that's connected to the Christmas story that I think has great meaning for us today, about how God wants to create and give to us divine connections to birth our promises, how God wants to make divine connections for us to birth our promises. The two main players in the story that I want to talk about today are course Elizabeth, Elizabeth, who was married to Zacharias. She became the mother of John, the Baptist who was going to prepare the way for the Lord. Elizabeth is kind of like the New Testament’s Sarah. She was way beyond childbearing years. There is a kind of an interesting paradox in this whole story because if you were a woman and not able to have children, you kind of had a— it was a negative thing. There was this, I don't know if I want to use the word despise, but you were, you were thought of as less than.

Jacque: Women would mock them.

Brian: Yes. And other women who had children would mock and ridicule. It was almost a shameful thing.

Jacque: Because you hadn't— that was your purpose.

Brian: Yeah, that was in that culture. That's part of the purpose, of course, of women, but it's not the only purpose. Back in those days, that was like the only purpose. As a result, Elizabeth, I'm sure felt great shame and feeling of a lack of worth. On the other hand, if you were to be pregnant and not married, this was also a stonable offense. Here we have Elizabeth who is barren and Mary, who is now single and pregnant. They are the main players in this story. Elizabeth, of course, we know the story she conceives. An angel comes to her, comes to Zacharias and says what's going to happen. She is very excited about being able to have this baby. Her shame is being lifted or ridicule is being lifted. I would say in our modern vernacular, she was on cloud nine. She was on cloud nine. Her dream was coming to pass.

I'm sure like all women, maybe even many husbands as well, fathers, she was hoping and praying that everything in her pregnancy was okay. I know Joanne's daughter is going to have a baby here any day now. You were talking to her just yesterday, I think, and she was saying, “Please pray that everything works all okay and everything goes fine. She is going to have a baby in a couple of days.” This is normal. Elizabeth was probably praying the same thing: that this birth was going to be fine. It was going to work out okay. And then 3 months goes by and 4 months goes by and 5 months goes by and she actually hadn't felt any movement. She began to wonder, what's going on here? The longer it went, the more concerned she became. 

And then one day there was a knock on her door and unexpected guests had arrived, and it was Mary. The angel had come to Mary and told Mary about Elizabeth. Elizabeth didn't know this, of course. Mary now already had conceived by the Holy Spirit. Mary decided to go down and spend some time with her aunt, Elizabeth. As she knocked on the door and the door opens and Mary gives her a big hug and basically says congratulations, Elizabeth. That's basically what she said. I've heard the great news. You are going to have a baby. What happened inside of Elizabeth when Mary gave her that greeting?

Jacque: Baby leaped in her womb.

Brian: The baby leaped in her womb. The baby leaped in her womb. I want to kind of read this story a little bit. We find it in Luke chapter 1, verse 39 to 41, and then verse 44. Why don't you read that?

Jacque: At that time, Mary got ready and hurried to a town in the hill country of Judea, where she entered Zachariah's home and greeted Elizabeth. When Elizabeth heard Mary's greeting, the baby leaped in her womb, and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit. She said to Mary, "As soon as the sound of your greeting reached my ears, the baby in my womb, leaped for joy."

Brian: The baby leaped as she encountered someone who came into conformity with her promise. We need that in our lives. At that moment, Elizabeth knew the child was alive. At that moment, she knew the promise that had been given to her was coming to pass. One of the great truths about this story besides the obvious is that God has designated people to come into your life and my life, your life, those of you who are watching by live stream today, all of you who are here today, God has designated people to come into your lives to make your baby, to make your dreams, to make your promises come to pass, come to fulfillment, to leap within you. Have you ever been kind of pregnant with an idea, a promise, and yet others come along and they discourage you and they try to erode this gift and promise from God?

And then someone comes to you that actually believes in you, speaks into your life, and what happens inside of you? There is a leaping, isn't there? There is a coming alive. There is a kicking, as it were, of this promise. These people are positive people, faith-filled people who will help bring your dreams to life and who will bring your promises to pass. Mary, of course, was this divine connection for Elizabeth. She was a divine connection. She was ordained by the creator to bring faith and hope and even wisdom and vision into Elizabeth's life. That's what God had done. That's what God's purpose was. She didn't really even have to say much. She didn't have to really go into some long teaching about how important Elizabeth was and the promise that was in her. She just said, “Hello, hi,” and within her, this promise began to leap. It came to life.

I would say today that God has already lined up Marys to come into your lives. God has Marys to come into your lives. He has already lined up your Mary. When you meet the right people that simply say to you, good morning, or hello or hi, your dreams will leap within you. That's a divine connection, but here is the key. This is very important. If you keep answering the door and your dreams never leap, you are answering the wrong door. You are letting the wrong people into your life. I'm not saying we are not supposed to love everybody. We are to love all people, but not all people are going to make the promise of God leap in your spirit. Not all the people that try to come into your life are going to be in essence for you. 

If you keep answering the door and your dreams never leap, you are answering the door to the wrong people; you are letting the wrong people into your life. So don't answer the door for someone who is going to just be a gossiper to you. Don't answer the door for someone who is going to just complain to you and leave you down. Don't answer that door for someone who is just going to be a criticizer, just see all the negative things in your life, someone who is just going to be an accuser to you. Don't answer the door for someone who is trying to control and manipulate you. Answer the door for those people who inspire you. Answer the door for those people who cause your dreams to leap inside of you, because God has given you those dreams. God has given you those dreams. All the people that come into your life, won't kick-start your dreams. Some of them will try and put sugar in your gas tank. It smells real nice and sweet and tastes great to the tongue, but soon as it gets in that gas tank, it clogs everything up. 

And so there are people that God has to come into your life. Mary, of course, was pregnant with Jesus, the Son of God. Elizabeth was pregnant with John the Baptist, the one who would prepare the way for the Son of God, the way of the Lord. When the promise in Mary connected to the promise in Elizabeth, what happened? There was an explosion, wasn’t there? There was a leaping; there was an excitement. We need to stay connected to those people who keep us excited about what God has called us to do when you connect with the right people, when you connect with others, who will dream big for you. I always believe in asking largely, and I'm so thankful today that our friend, John Cothy has an eternity that has been prepared for him.

Jacque and I went and visited him last Sunday, and I just said to Jacque, "I can't ask small. I have to ask largely.” And if God has a different plan for John, then I will yield to that plan, of course. But my plan is to ask largely of God all the time. I believe that God has a heart at times to raise people up off of death beds and to do the above and beyond of what we could ever ask, imagine or think. I believe in that. So I would say to you, connect with others who will dream big with you. Connect with others who will fan the dying embers of your dreams, because you know what, the longer your dream goes unfulfilled the harder it is to believe in it. Just like Elizabeth, when she hadn't felt anything for a few months, she began to question, "I wonder if this dream is going to happen. I wonder if this is really of God." And don't we do that? Don't we at times begin to question whether or not we even heard from God or not on our dreams? We need to get people around us who will fan the dying embers of our dreams. And then the promise in us will connect with the promise and spirit in them, and they will come and there will be a leaping in us. How many of you know there is a joy that comes with a leaping? There is a joy that comes in us when there is a leaping. There is a laughter that even came to the baby, John the Baptist. Read it again: verse 44.

Jacque: As soon as the sound of your greeting reached my ears, the baby in my womb leaped for joy.

Brian: He leaped for joy. He leaped for joy. I don't know how she understood that he was joyful; maybe she heard him laugh. I don't know. But there was a leaping for joy and you will see God show up and do something supernatural in your lives when we allow others of like-mindedness to fan the flame of our dreams.

Jacque: I think it's really important that we stop and look for opportunities to fan other people's dreams, to be encouragers, to be people that— I love to encourage people and I need encouragement. I guess that's another love language, but to be able to encourage and be the mouth of the Lord to bring that joy and that faith.

Brian: One of my real dear longtime friends is Mike Brady. Mike would always ask people— I was always impressed by this, but he would always ask people, "What is your dream? What are you dreaming about? What's kind of in your heart?" And then Mike would think, well, now how can I kind of help that come to pass? Just like you were saying. There is a great verse, let's read it Jacque, in Luke chapter 1:7. When God gives us dreams, it doesn't matter how old you are. Old or young, it doesn't matter your age. When God gives you a dream, you need to run with it. Let's read this.

Jacque: Nothing you see is impossible with God.

Brian: That's verse 3, but read verse 7 too.

Jacque: Oh, I'm sorry. 

Brian: That's all right. 

Jacque: But they were childless because Elizabeth was not able to conceive. And they were both very old. 

Brian: They were both very old, and so—

Jacque: That was the impossible part.

Brian: Yes. They were both very old, and you would think that because of their age, it would be really hard to hold on to that promise. Abraham and Sarah were promised a child and waited 20 years. How much struggle was it, do you think, when they looked every day at each other and saw how old each other was? And the natural eye has such a powerful influence over our hearts of faith, doesn't it? What we see so often diminishes or pores ice water on the embers of our dreams. In this verse, we see that they were not able to conceive because they were both very old. They were both very old, but the next verse, verse 37, read that too.

Jacque: Nothing you see is impossible with God.

Brian: You were talking about that this week with me.

Jacque: Every Friday morning, the ladies gather on Zoom, several of us, and we pray together for an hour and it's a beautiful time. Come join us if you can. This week we were praying for some really hard things. And so I just quick Googled in my Bible app, I just went “impossible” and found this verse. There are three of them. There are two in the Old Testament, one in the New Testament that says the same thing: Nothing is impossible with God. And just brought that to the women as we prayed, nothing is impossible with God. 

Brian: I'm going to do a quick plug here too, because every Friday at 10 o'clock, Jacque has about an hour of prayer gathering for people. You might be at work and you might get a 10 minute break or 15 minute break, just pop in for 5 or 6 minutes.

Jacque: It would be great.

Brian: Just pop in, have a prayer. You don't have to stay there for the whole hour. There can be people all over the country that pop in during that hour, and just take the time to pray.

Jacque: If you need prayer— one of our dear sisters popped in at the close and we had the most beautiful time praying for her. So if you need prayer, come for just moments and let us pray for you.

Brian: I have a question for everybody. How many of you are breathing? Okay. As long as you have breath, there is a promise within you. As long as you are breathing, there is a promise within you. Like Elizabeth, you are carrying a promise and God has spoken a promise to every single one of us, sometimes multiple promises to us. Maybe you haven't felt any movement in that promise, maybe for a long time. Maybe for 5 or 10 or 15 or 20 years, there has been seemingly no movement, and maybe you don't see any evidence of the promise. Now we are thinking or you are, "Did I even hear from God? Did I even hear from God? Did I hear right? Is the promise still within me or has it completely died? Am I still going to give birth to this promise?" I'm telling you, I believe the Lord is sending me to you today to tell you there is a promise in you, and to fan that flame. Those of you who are watching by live stream, there is a promise in you that God wants to fan and bring people into your life that will birth this promise and kick-start this dream with you. 

I believe the Lord is saying to all of us here that the promise is in us and it's alive and it's well. We just need to make the right connections to people. God will make these connections. Elizabeth didn't go out and make the connection. God brought the connection to her and she was aware of it. You may not see anything happening at the present time, you may not even feel that you even heard God correctly, and we've all been in that place, but God is still on the throne and he is the one that's giving the promises. When he gives a promise, you can go to the bank with it. Right now, he is arranging things in your favor. He is putting things together. 

Jacque: God is always at work.

Brian: He is always at work. We did a Promise of Hope video this just a few weeks ago. I said, "When you are at the end of your rope, God is up to something." God is always up to something. What he has promised you, he will bring to pass. Maybe you've never really thought much about the promises of God. Maybe if that is the case, maybe if you've never really thought that God has really ever given you a promise, that might be where you are at. If that's the case, I think today is a good day to conceive a promise. Today is a good day to receive a promise from the maker of the universe. 

Maybe you have conceived a promise within you, but like Elizabeth, it has been quite some time since you felt a kick or move and have any excitement feeling within you. You haven't felt any movement whatsoever. I pray that by faith and a supernatural connection to the right people, you will feel something down in your heart, something down in your spirit, a kick, a push, a shove, something that will say to you, “This is going to come to pass. This is going to come to pass. It's your promise coming alive. It's your promise coming alive.” 

You are a child of the most- high God, and you have seeds of greatness in you. We all have seeds of greatness in us because we have the spirit of God in us. There is no obstacle that's too high. There is no sickness that is too great, and there is no dream that's too big because with God, all things are possible. With God, all things are possible. I want you to let the words that I speak into you today to take root in your heart; be intentional about receiving them. Sometimes we have to just say, “I'm going to receive that.” Be intentional about it. Let faith begin to spring up in you. That movement that you maybe felt some time ago, maybe years ago, and you haven't felt that at all for many years; let that movement start working its way back into you again. That movement you are feeling, is in a sense, your baby. It's your promise. It's your promise starting to leap in you. Did you have something you wanted—

Jacque: I do. When you talked earlier about not opening the door to people that would discourage us, I just kept thinking about how we could even just sit alone and open the door of our thoughts to the enemy, to ourselves, that beat ourselves up and that we need to be so intentional to keep our thoughts and our dreams on that nothing is impossible with God and keep our thoughts in the right place to not let those dream, those thoughts steal away.

Brian: That’s right. Yeah. If we are to become all that he is created us to be, we must feel, let me use this expression, our inner circle, the people that we actually really let into our lives. I'm not talking about all the people in the world that we are supposed to love. We are supposed to love everybody. That's a mission, but we must feel our inner circle with people of vision and faith and encouragement. Even Jesus did that. I want to read a really important portion of scripture that sometimes we kind of miss the real essence of. It's found in Luke chapter 4. We are going to read verses 16 to 21 and then verses 28 to 32 out of that. So let's read that, Luke chapter 4, beginning at verse 16.

Jacque: He went to Nazareth where—

Brian: This is Jesus.

Jacque: Where he had been brought up and on the Sabbath day, he went into the synagogue as was his custom.

Brian: So here he is in Nazareth. This is where he grew up. He has virtually lived there probably almost 30 years or most of his life. Mary and Joseph were from Nazareth. Eventually, after the birthday— they went down to Egypt for a while, but when they came back, they ultimately went back to Nazareth. So he spent virtually all of his adult life and teenage years and all of that in Nazareth, his hometown, his hometown, and you know what? He wasn't the hometown hero. Let's go on.

Jacque: He stood up to read and the scroll of the prophet, Isaiah was handed to him. Unrolling it, he found the place where it was written. The spirit of the Lord is on me because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor.

Brian: This is what he came to do: set the prisoners free, the oppressed free, to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor for people. What a great mission to have. Isn't that something you can get excited about rather than saying, "God gave me a message; you are about to die." or "Calamity is going to come on your house." How many of you want to go out and deliver that message? No, but Jesus' message was freedom for the captives and healing and blessing to the poor and the year of the Lord's favor. This is such a great message.

Jacque: Then he rolled up the scroll, gave it back to the attendant and sat down. The eyes of everyone in the synagogue were fastened on him. And he began by saying to them, "Today, this scripture is fulfilled in your hearing."

Brian: Now this completely started to tick everybody off.

Jacque: All the people in the synagogue were furious when they heard this. They got up, drove him out of the town and took him to the brow of the hill of which the town was built in order to throw him off the cliff.

Brian: We've been there. Many of you who were with us on our trip to Israel saw this very spot, the brow of the hill where Nazareth is built.

Jacque: I was afraid Catalin was going to fall off that place.

Brian: He kept looking over the edge.

Jacque: He was as far out as he could get.

Brian: It's a long way down there, right? So anyways, they took him to the brow of this hill to throw him off.

Jacque: To throw him off the clever, but he walked right through the crowd and went on his way. 

Brian: Now look at what he did. 

Jacque: Then he went down to Capernaum.

Brian: What did he do? He didn't go where? He didn't go back to his hometown where people didn't believe in him. Another portion of scripture found in Mark chapter 6:1-6 says he could hardly do any miracles there because of their unbelief. They didn't believe who he was. They didn't encourage him in what he was here to do, and he could hardly do anything except heal a few sick folks. That's what the scripture says. So instead of going back to that location and exposing himself to more negativity and more unbelief and more criticism, what did he do?

Jacque: Then he went down to Capernaum.

Brian: He went to Capernaum.

Jacque: A town in Galilee, and on the Sabbath, he taught the people and they were amazed at his teaching because words had authority. 

Brian: Let me just finish by saying this. Jesus eventually left his hometown of Nazareth and settled into Capernaum as his main base of operation because even Jesus guarded who he connected to. Even Jesus guarded who he really connected to in terms of his inner circle. I want to finish just by saying this: it's never too late for your dreams to come to pass. You are not too old. You haven't made too many mistakes. Your promise is still alive. You just need Mary to come knocking at your door. You just need a Mary to come knocking on your door.  Eliminate those people who are holding you back and replace them with those who will lift you up.

I want to finish by just telling you a personal story about myself and a little bit of my journey. I was in high school and I had that inevitable meeting with the school counselor; “Well, Brian, now that you are going to graduate, what do you want to do with your life?” At one point in time in my life, I wanted to do this and I want to do that, but as I graduated from high school, I had won a number of awards in music, and I just had a passion for music. At that time, I wanted to really become a classical concert pianist.

I was studying with a lady at MacPhail, a wonderful, wonderful teacher. She has now since gone to be with the Lord, but just an incredible pianist. I had the privilege of studying with her. The summer after I graduated, I went and I played and then did an audition for the chairman of the piano department at the University of Minnesota. I finished playing my audition in his studio, and he basically looked at me and he said, "Young man, you need to get another career. You will never make it in music."

My heart sunk. My dream was dashed. I left dejected and I went back to Marianne, Marianne Bowman, the teacher. She said to me, "We'll show him. We'll show him. It's in you, Brian. You can do it. We'll show him." I worked feverishly the rest of that summer. Marianne got me connected to the professor that I ultimately ended up studying with, but I had to play an entrance exam at the University of Minnesota. The custom is that there are 4 or 5 professors from the piano music department that hear your audition and all kind of vote on whether or not you will be accepted or not into the school of music. 

I get there for my entrance exam and there is only one person there to hear me play that day. Guess who it was: the man who said that I needed to find another career. I got up on the stage and began to play. In about 12 to15 minutes into my playing, he just stopped me. He said, "Come down here." I went off the stage because he was sitting in the back of the auditorium. He said, "What do you want to do? What do you want to do with your music?" I said, "I really want to become a classical pianist." And he said, "Well, young man, it looks like you are well on your way."

But it would never have happened if I didn't have a Marianne Bowman in my life, because she said, "We'll show him." God connected me with the right person at the right time to keep my dream alive. Because actually, as I reflect back on my life, that was my dream from the time I was five years old, the first time I started to hear Van Cliburn play the piano and others. God is sending a Mary to all of us today. Let them in. Let them into your life.

Jacque: I just wanted to say who those people are for me. They are our sons, BJ and Micah. It's like they are constantly encouraging and inspiring, and at times giving me dreams to dream, or telling me what is possible. I just appreciate them so much. When I'm done talking to them, I do realize us the potential is so much greater than I would give myself credit for.

Brian And just like sometimes they see the potential in you more than you see it, Marianne saw the potential in me. When I had left that first audition and I was told I'll never make it, get another career, I was dejected. I had no more belief in me. After all, he was the expert. He was the one that knew the most, but somebody knew music well enough to say, "This is a dream, and we'll show him. I believe in you. I believe in you." God was able to, through that person and a lot of hard work, fan that flame and that dream became a reality for me because I actually graduated with honors and was offered a position on the faculty at the university. But God just decided to change my direction and called me into the ministry, which I've never regretted, but I know that I have that as a model in my life that God brings people into your lives that will help your dreams get birthed, help your dreams get kick-started. You will give birth to every promise that God puts in your heart and you will have everything that God ever created you to be. 

Do your dreams need a kick-start today? How do we get them to come alive? How do we get our dreams to come alive again? We need to look for divine connections that will make the dream in you leap for joy.

Jacque: I'm inspired to want to be that connection for people, to look for people that I can inspire. 

Brian: I like to say to people at times, "I believe in you. I believe in you" because so many times they are so full of discouragement that they just don't have that sense of being able to do it anymore. 

So father, I thank you today for the Marys that can come knocking on our doors. When we opened the door to those Marys, that promise within us can leap for joy. I pray today, Lord, for all those who will hear this message, that God, they will fan that ember of the dreams that are dying in their hearts. I pray for a whole boatload of Marys to come into our lives, Lord. I pray for these divine connections to happen that will kick-start our dreams today. That will start something going again in us that maybe one time was going and maybe now has died because others didn't believe in us or we've faced opposition and there had been setbacks, and we began to question whether or not we really heard from you, God, or not. 

But Lord, you are the one that gives dreams. I just pray for big dreams to come to all of us, Lord from your hand, and that you would help us make the connections to all the Marys in the world that will knock on our doors, and when we are greeted by them, the baby in us, the promise in us, the dream in us will leap for joy, will come alive. This, we pray, Jesus in your name and for your sake. Let's raise our hands together. 

So now may the Lord bless you and may the Lord keep you. May the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you, and may the Lord turn his face towards you and give you his peace. May Mary come knocking at your door this week, and expect it. This, we pray, in the name of the father, son and Holy Spirit. Amen. God bless you. Thank you for being here today. Thank you for worshipping with us. I pray your heart is encouraged. Stay safe, those of you who are in Minnesota, even our relatives down in Oklahoma where it is even worse than in Minnesota right now. God bless you all. Stay safe. We will see you, hopefully, next week. God bless you, and wait for Mary to come knocking on your door. God bless you. Bye-bye.

Transcript taken from the Sunday morning service 2-14-21. If you would like to watch the full service, click the link below.